
  • Irina V. Belozerova State Historical Museum. Red Square, 1, Moscow, 109012, Russian Federation
  • Natalia I. Demirova State Historical Museum. Red Square, 1, Moscow, 109012, Russian Federation



history of archaeology, archives of archaeologists, the Department of Written Sources of the State Historical Museum


One of the largest collections of documents on the history of Russian archaeology is deposited at the Department of Written Sources of the State Historical Museum. It is represented by personal archives of archaeologists, archives of different scientifi c organizations and societies, personal archives of various persons (historians, museum workers, local historians, public fi gures, etc.), which include documents related to archaeology. The study degree of each of these complexes varies. The article provides an overview of archives that have not yet been suffi ciently introduced into scientifi c discourse, and a bibliography of those collections of the Department of Written Sources of the State Historical Museum, which contain materials on the history of Russian archaeology of the 19th-20th centuries.


Gaidukov, P. G., Zubova, N. L., Katagoshchina, M. V., Strizhova, N. B., Yushko, A. G. (comp.). 2010. Aleksei Vasil'evich Oreshnikov. Dnevnik 1915–1933 (Alexei Vasilievich Oreshnikov. Journal of 1915–1933) 1. Moscow: “Nauka” Publ. (in Russian).

Gaidukov, P. G., Zubova, N. L., Katagoshchina, M. V., Strizhova, N. B., Yushko, A. G. (comp.). 2010. Aleksei Vasil'evich Oreshnikov. Dnevnik 1915–1933 (Alexei Vasilievich Oreshnikov. Journal of 1915–1933) 2. Moscow: “Nauka” Publ. (in Russian).

Belozerova, I. V. 1988. In Studzitckaia, S. V. (ed.). Nasledie V.A. Gorodtsova i problemy sovremennoi arkheologii (Heritage of V.A. Gorodtsov and the Issues of Modern Archaeology). Series: Proceedings of the State Historical Museum 68. Moscow: State Historical Museum, 14–26 (in Russian).

Belozerova, I. V. 1991. In Kozlova, T. L. (ed.). Kraevedcheskie zapiski (Notes on Local History) VII. Yaroslavl, 4–12 (in Russian).

Belozerova, I. V. 2001. In Murasheva, V. V. (ed.). Arkheologicheskii sbornik. Gnezdovo. 125 let issledovaniia pamiatnika (Archaeological Collection of Papers. Gnezdovo. 125 Years of Study of the Monument). Series: Proceedings of the State Historical Museum 124. Moscow: State Historical Museum, 208–215 (in Russian).

Belozerova, I. V. 2010. In Kamenetskii, I. S., Sorokin, A. N. (eds.). Chelovek i drevnosti: Pamiati Aleksandra Aleksandrovicha Formozova (1928–2009) (Man and Antiquities: In memory of Alexander Alexandrovich Formozov (1928-2009)). Moscow: “Grif i K” Publ., 690–702 (in Russian).

Belozerova, I. V. 2012. In Egorov, V. L. (ed.). Istoricheskii muzei – entsiklopediia otechestvennoi istorii i kul'tury (Historical Museum – Encyclopedia of Russian History and Culture). Series: Proceedings of the State Historical Museum 190. Moscow: State Historical Museum, 192–219 (in Russian).

Belozerova, I. V. 2016a. In Bocharov, S. G., Sitdikov, A.G. (eds.). MIRAS−NASLEDIE. Tatarstan – Krym. Gorod Bolgar i izuchenie tatarskoj kul'tury v Tatarstane i v Krymu v 1923−1929 godah: v 3−h tomah (MIRAS−NASLEDIE. Tatarstan and Crimea. The City of Bolgar and the study of Tatar culture in Tatarstan and the Crimea in 1923−1929: in 3 volumes). 1. Kazan: “Aster Plyus” Publ., 575–580 (in Russian).

Belozerova, I. V. 2016б. In Krai Smolenskii (Smolensk Region) 5. 85–97 (in Russian).

Belozerova, I. V., Kuzminykh, S. V. 2010. In Ivanov, D. A. (ed.). Problemy izucheniia i sokhraneniia arkheologicheskogo naslediia Tsentral'noi Rossii (Issues of Studying and Preserving the Archaeological Heritage of Central Russia). Ryazan: Ryazan Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve, 15–29 (in Russian)

Belozerova, I. V., Kuzminykh, S. V. 2015. In Gaidukov, P. G., Tunkina, I. V. (eds.). Uchenye i idei: stranitsy istorii arkheologicheskogo znaniia (Scientists and Ideas: Pages of the History of Archaeological Knowledge). Moscow: Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 8–10 (in Russian).

Belozerova, I. V., Kuzminykh, S. V. 2016. In Bocharov, S. G., Sitdikov, A.G. (eds.). MIRAS−NASLEDIE. Tatarstan – Krym. Gorod Bolgar i izuchenie tatarskoj kul'tury v Tatarstane i v Krymu v 1923−1929 godah: v 3−h tomah (MIRAS−NASLEDIE. Tatarstan and Crimea. The City of Bolgar and the study of Tatar culture in Tatarstan and the Crimea in 1923−1929: in 3 volumes). 1. Kazan: “Aster Plyus” Publ., 100–126 (in Russian).

Belozerova, I. V., Kuzminykh, S. V., Safonova, I. E. 2011. In Rossiiskaia Arkheologiia (Russian Archaeology) (1), 154–165 (in Russian).

Belozerova, I. V., Marshtupa, G. S. 2017. In Romanova, S. N. (ed.). Zabelinskie nauchnye chteniia – 2014. Istoricheskii muzei – entsiklopediia otechestvennoi istorii i kul'tury (Zabelinsky Scientifi c Readings – 2014. Historical Museum – Encyclopedia of Russian History and Culture). Series: Proceedings of the State Historical Museum 204. Moscow: State Historical Museum, 156–180 (in Russian).

Belozerova, I. V., Sirotina, O. A. 2020. In Sazanov, A. V. et. al. (eds.). Uvarovskie Tavricheskie chteniia «Drevnosti Iuga Rossii» (Uvarov Tauride Readings “Antiquities of the South of Russia”). Moscow: The State Public Historical Library of Russia, 287–299 (in Russian).

Bukhert, V. G. 2005. In Shmidt, S. O. (ed.). Arkheografi cheskii ezhegodnik za 2004 god (Archaeographic Yearbook for 2004). Moscow: “Nauka” Publ., 409–427 (in Russian).

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Gorbushina, N. V. 2019. In Yanovsky, A. N. (ed.). Zabelinskie nauchnye chteniia – 2016. Istoricheskii muzei – entsiklopediia otechestvennoi istorii i kul'tury (Zabelinsky Scientifi c Readings – 2016. Historical Museum - Encyclopedia of Russian History and Culture). Series: Proceedings of the State Historical Museum 213. Moscow: State Historical Museum, 268–284 (in Russian).

Belozerova, I. V., Kuzminykh, S. V. 2015a. V.A. Gorodtsov. Dnevniki (1928–1944) (V.A. Gorodtsov. Diaries (1928–1944)) 1. Moscow: “Triumf print” Publ. (in Russian).

Belozerova, I. V., Kuzminykh, S. V. 2015b. V.A. Gorodtsov. Dnevniki (1928–1944) (V.A. Gorodtsov. Diaries (1928–1944)) 2. Moscow: “Triumf print” Publ. (in Russian).

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Belozerova, I. V., Kuzminykh, S. V., Marshtupa, G. S., Tsapina, T. A. (comp.). 2019. Gorodtsov Vasilii Alekseevich. Dnevniki uchenogo. 1914–1918: Iz sobraniia Gosudarstvennogo istoricheskogo muzeia (Vasily Alekseevich Gorodtsov. Scientist’s Journals. 1914–1918: From the Collection of the State Historical Museum) Book 2: 1916–1918. Moscow: State Historical Museum (in Russian).

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Kuzminykh, S. V., Belozerova, I. V. 2012. In Belotserkovskaia, I. V. (ed.). Obrazy vremeni: iz istorii drevnego iskusstva (K 80-letiju S.V. Studzickoj) (Images of Time: Revisiting The History of Ancient Art (Dedicated to the 80th Anniversary of S.V. Studzitskaya)). Series: Proceedings of the State Historical Museum 189. Moscow: State Historical Museum Publ., 22–34 (in Russian).

Kuzminykh, S. V., Belozerova, I. V. 2014a. In Stratum plus. Archaeology and Cultural Anthropology (1), 229–294 (in Russian).

Kuzminykh, S. V., Belozerova, I. V. 2014b. In Povolzhskaya arkheologiya (Volga River Region Archaeology) 10 (4), 186–202 (in Russian).

Kuzminykh, S. V., Belozerova, I. V. 2014v. In Munchaev, R. M. (ed.). Drevnie kul'tury Iugo-Vostochnoi Evropy i Zapadnoi Azii (Ancient Cultures of South-East Europe and Western Asia). Moscow: Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 333–342 (in Russian).

Kuzminykh, S. V., Belozerova, I. V. 2017. In Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh stepei (Archaeology of Eurasian Steppes) 1. 196–218 (in Russian).

Kuzminykh, S. V., Belozerova, I. V. 2018. In Povolzhskaya arkheologiya (Volga River Region Archaeology) 23 (1), 321–341 (in Russian).

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How to Cite

Belozerova, I. V., & Demirova, N. I. (2021). MATERIALS ON THE HISTORY OF RUSSIAN ARCHAEOLOGY IN THE COLLECTION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF WRITTEN SOURCES OF THE STATE HISTORICAL MUSEUM. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (5), 14–28.



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