
  • Maria V. Medvedeva Institute for the History of Material Culture of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Dvortsovaya emb., 18, St. Petersburg, 1911186, Russian Federation



Academy for the History of Material Culture, Mongol-Tibetan expedition, archaeological collection, Noin-Ula, archival documents


In the second half of the 1920s, the Academy for the History of Material Culture prepared a great edition of the Noin-Ula collection from the excavations of the Mongol-Tibetan expedition of Pyotr Kozlov, which was never published. The history of the creation of this publication is reconstructed according to the documents from the archive of the Institute for History of Material Culture RAS.


Voskresensky, A. A., Tikhonov, N. P. 1932. Tehnologicheskoe izuchenie tkanei kurgannykh pogrebenii Noin-Ula. Ch. 1 Tkani (Technological Study of Tissues from Noin-Ula Burial Mounds. Part 1. Fabrics). Series: Izvestiia Gosudarstvennoi Akademii istorii material’noi kul’tury (Proceedings of the State Academy for the History of Material Culture) XI (7–9). Leningrad: State Academy for the History of Material Culture (in Russian).

Elikhina, Yu. I. 2018. Sokrovishcha kurganov Noin-Uly (Severnaia Mongoliia). Nahodki ekspeditsii P. K. Kozlova 1923–1926 gg. iz kollektsii Gosudarstvennogo Ermitazha) (Treasures of Noin-Ula Burial Mounds (Northern Mongolia). Finds of the Expedition by P.K. Kozlov of 1923-1926 from the Collection of the State Hermitage). Saint Petersburg: LAP Lambert, Academic Publishing GmbH & Co. KG. (Germany) (in Russian).

Elikhina, Yu. I. 2020. In Iskusstvo Evrazii (The Art Of Eurasia). 19 (4), 21–34. Available at: (accessed: 01.06.2021) (in Russian).

Zastrozhnova (Pankratova), E. G. 2019. In Rossiiskaia Arkheologiia (Russian Archaeology) (2), 154-166 (in Russian).

Kitova, L. Yu. 2010. In Rossiiskaia Arkheologiia (Russian Archaeology) (2), 166-173 (in Russian).

Oldenburg, S. F. (ed.). 1925. Kratkie otchety ekspeditsii po issledovaniiu Severnoi Mongolii v sviazi s Mongolo-Tibetskoi Ekspeditsiei P.K. Kozlova (Summary Reports of Expeditions for the Exploration of Northern Mongolia in Connection with the Mongol-Tibetan Expedition by P.K. Kozlov). Leningrad: the USSR Academy of Sciences (in Russian).

Platonova, N. I. 2008. Izvestiia Altaiskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta (Izvestiya of Altai State University) 4-2 (60). 151–157 (in Russian).

Platonova, N. I. 2018. Smirnov, N. Yu. (ed.). Pamiatniki arkheologii v issledovaniiakh i fotografiiakh (pamiati Galiny Vatslavny Dluzhnevskoi) (Monuments of Archaeology in Studies and Photographs (In Memory of Galina Vaclavna Dluzhnevskaya)). Saint Petersburg: Institute for the History of Material Culture, Russian Academy of Sciences, 285–293 (in Russian).

Polos’mak, N. V., Bogdanov, E. S. 2016. Noin-ulinskaia kollektsiija. Rezul'taty raboty rossiisko-mongol'sko I ekspeditsii, 2006–2012 (Noin-Ula Collection. Results of Activities of the Russian-Mongol Expedition, 2006–2012). Novosibirsk: “Infolio” Publ. (in Russian).

Rudenko, S. I. 1962. Kul'tura khunnov i noin-ulinskie kurgany (Xiongnu culture and Noin-Ula burial mounds). Moscow; Leningrad: Academy of Sciences of the USSR Publ., (in Russian).

Sutyagina, N. A. 2016. In Sbornik Gosudarstvennogo Ermitazha (Reports of the State Hermitage Museum) LXXIV, 65–70 (in Russian).

Sutiagina, N. A. 2020. In Arkheologicheskie vesti (Archaeological News) 30. 330–342 (in Russian).

Sutiagina, N. A., Erdene-Ochir, N. 2021. In Kul'turnoe nasledie mongolov: rukopisnye i arkhivnye sobraniia (Cultural heritage of the Mongols: manuscript and archival collections). Saint Petersburg–Ulan-Bator, 57–60 (in Russian).

Tishkin, A. A., Shmidt, O. G. 2004. In Tishkin, A. A. (ed.). Zhiznennyi put', tvorchestvo, nauchnoe nasledie Sergeia Ivanovicha Rudenko i deiatel'nost' ego kolleg (The Life, Creative Work, Scientific Heritage of Sergei Ivanovich Rudenko and the Activities of His Colleagues). Barnaul: Altay State University, 21–29 (in Russian).

Yusupova, T. I. 2006. Mongol'skaia komissiia Akademii nauk. Istoriia sozdaniia i deiatel'nosti. 1925–1953. (Mongol Commission of the Academy of Sciences. History of Creation and Activity. 1925–1953). Saint Petersburg: “Nestor_Istoriia” Publ. (in Russian).

Yusupova, T. I. 2010. In Voprosy istorii estestvoznaniia i tekhniki (Issues of the History of Natural Science and Technology) 4, 26–67 (in Russian).

Yusupova, T. I. 2011. In Polos’mak, N. V., Bogdanov, E. S., Ceveendorge, D. Dvadtsatyi noin-ulinskii kurgan (The Twentieth Noin-Ula Mound). Novosibirsk: “Infolio” Publ., 9–51 (in Russian).

Yusupova, T. I. 2018. Sovetsko-mongol'skoe nauchnoe sotrudnichestvo: stanovlenie, razvitie i osnovnye rezul'taty (1921–1961). (Soviet-Mongol Scientific Cooperation: Formation, Development and Main Results (1921-1961).). Saint Petersburg: “Nestor_Istoriia” Publ. (in Russian).

Trever, K. 1932. Excavation in Northern Mongolia (1924–1925). Leningrad: Fedorov (in English).

Umehara, S. 1960. Studies of Noin-Ula Finds in North Mongolia. Series: The Toyo Bunko publications, Series A.; No 27. Tokyo (in English).



How to Cite

Medvedeva, M. V. (2021). ACADEMY FOR THE HISTORY OF MATERIAL CULTURE AND PUBLICATION OF NOIN-ULA COLLECTION. 1920s. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (5), 123–130.



Research and Publication