
  • Elena V. Vildanova Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Sovetskaya, Str., 19, Orenburg, 460014, Russian Federation



archaeology, early nomads, Southern Urals, burial rite, historiography


The archaeology of the early nomads of the Southern Urals features a relevant and debatable issue of the origin of the early nomadic culture. The source for resolving this issue is the burial ritual. The peculiarities of the buried person's orientation, certain types of burial structures and other elements of the burial ritual at the burial grounds of the early nomads of the Southern Urals have a wide range of analogies in the territory of the Eurasian steppe. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the literature related to the issue of the origin of the early nomads’ culture. The paper summarizes some of the results of the study of foreign cultural features in the burial rite. An analysis of the literature demonstrated that the researchers indicate various regions of Soviet Central Asia, Central Asia (East Turkestan), the Northern Black Sea region, the North Caucasus and the forest-steppe Scythia as the source region. The author comes to a conclusion about the need for an integrated approach to resolving the issue using data from all regions of the Southern Urals as opposed to a local group of sites.


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How to Cite

Vildanova, E. V. (2021). FOREIGN CULTURAL PARALLELS IN THE BURIAL RITE OF THE EARLY NOMADS OF THE SOUTHERN URALS (THE HISTORIOGRAPHICAL ASPECT). Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (5), 237–247.



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