
  • Taisiia O. Petrovicha State Acasemic University for the Humanities.Maronovskiy pereulok, 26, Moscow, 119049, Russian Federation



archaeology, Middle Ages, Volga region, Samosdelka, hoard, astragalus, graffiti


The discovery of a hoard of astragalus is not a common occurrence at medieval archaeological sites in the Volga region, and it therefore required individual research. The context of the find (by the wall of a building in the center of the settlement) very likely implies that it was left by the Bolgar population. Presumably, those who left this hoard were performing a ritual. But one cannot rule out the possibility that it was a cache for a game set or a child's hiding place. Three of the 26 astragalus have graffiti on their surface which can be defined as a combination of two “fur trees”, a cross and a combination of a lattice and ladder. These symbols were associated with protection and have parallels with the symbols of home, fish net and family. The results of an analysis demonstrate that before the astragalus were buried they could have been used as cue ball game items, amulets, smoothing tools, fortune-telling or game dice. In an 11th – 12th centuries, astragalus were losing their magic role due to the spread of the Muslim religion. Thus, they were used for various activities without any controversy. The numerous stones found in the dwelling layer confirm the transitionary stage of the use of astragalus.


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How to Cite

Petrovicha, T. O. (2021). INTERPRETATION OF THE 11TH–12TH CENTURY HOARD OF ASTRAGALUS FROM SAMOSDELKA SETTLEMENT. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (5), 306–312.



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