
  • Ekaterina N. Lenkova Independent researcher, Moscow Russian Federation
  • Igor A. Bondar Independent researcher, Chisinau, Moldova



archaeology, Eurasian Steppe, Republic of Moldova, the Middle Dniester, Rudi, early Middle Age, spread of Christianity, syncretism, Slavic tribes, Luka-Raikovets culture, nomadic tribes, ancient turkic, turkic runes, sarmatian tamgas, worsip stone, cosmogonic symbols


The paper addresses the discovery and review of the results of a study of a new Slavic cult monument dating back to the period of the spread of Christianity in the Dniester-Prut interfluve. The worship stone is located near Rudi village in the Republic of Moldova. The new monument is the central dominant of the early medieval archaeological complex of the 9th–10th centuries and can be described as a lapidarian pyramidal stele with a pronounced anthropomorphic outline of the front side. The worship stone was intended for cult and calendar needs, and had an orientation towards astronomically relevant events. Several symbols of the worship stone are due to its local and regional syncretism. The main symbols and signs on its front are grouped into three sacred plots. The object is unique, has no known direct analogies, and bears traces of Old Russian, Byzantine and Viking influence. The sacred stone has various solar and lunar signs, rune-like symbols, anthropomorphic figures, cruciform tamgas, and a previously unknown type of bi-dent. The main purpose of the authors’ research is to find and identify the influence of nomadic tribes and semi-nomadic tribes on the origin of several symbols on the Rudi worship stone. By means of this research, the authors attempt to shed light of early interactions between the Slavic tribes described in the chronicle – the Tivertsy and the Ulichi with the nomadic tribes of Eurasian Steppe.


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How to Cite

Lenkova, E. N., & Bondar, I. A. (2021). THE ISSUE OF THE INFLUENCE OF STEPPE NOMADIC TRIBES ON THE ORIGIN OF SEVERAL SYMBOLS ON THE EARLY MEDIEVAL WORSHIP STONE NEAR RUDI VILLAGE. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (5), 343–357.



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