
  • Valery E. Naumenko V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Academician Vernadsky Ave. 4, Simferopol, 295007, Russian Federation



Ottoman empire, Crimean Khanate, eyalet Kefe, Ottoman archaeology, archaeology of fortresses, cities, settlements and necropolises, architectural archaeology, archaeology of military battlefields, archaeological material science


The article deals with the theoretical and source-related block of issues related to the Ottoman archaeology of the Crimea, as a special scientifi c discipline that studies the material antiquities of the Ottoman period in its history (about 1475–1783). The subject of research and the content of the term "Ottoman archaeology" and its relationship with other similar, but not identical, concepts in archaeological science are analyzed. The main stages of archaeological research of monuments of the late XV-XVIII centuries in the region are reconstructed. The paper presents an overview of the main directions of modern ottoman archaeology of the Crimea, starting from the 90s of the XX century. It is concluded that in recent decades, the greatest progress has been made in the study of the archaeology of Ottoman fortresses in the Crimea and the capital of the Crimean Khanate – the city of Bakhchisaray, as well as in the fi eld of archaeological material science, especially in relation to the structure of the ceramic complex of this time.


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