Sings–Tamgas as Symbols of Bulgaria Government Xth – the First Third of the XIIIth Century .


  • Iskander L. Izmailov Institute of History named after Sh. Mardzhani, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan



archaeology, Volga Bulgaria, tamga, medieval coats of arms, possessory signs, heraldry, potter's brands, Turkic runs, monetary of Bulgaria


The question of tamga as symbols of possession and the power in the Volga Bulgaria X – the first third of the 13th century is considered in the paper. The Bulgars created the state and an effective military-political system with the symbols and attributes of the power. The most important attribute of the state was the coat of arms or other symbol replacing it. As a rule, its origin was obliged to tamga or brands, the being symbol of property of any given sort or clan. The complex of materials which gives information on the Bulgar’ tamgas includes potter's brands, signs on coins, weapon and boundary stones. The analysis of these signs shows that they remind graphemes of the Turkic runic alphabet. Among all finds the group of the signs-tamga ("A-tamgas") is revealed. They are found both on mass products (pottery) in the form of stamps and drawn signs, and on socially prestigious items (coins, weapons) and boundary (boundary) signs. Similar signs, definitely, were signs of the sort ruling in Bulgaria, marking its property and symbolizing sovereignty of Bulgar governors.


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How to Cite

Izmailov , I. L. . (2022). Sings–Tamgas as Symbols of Bulgaria Government Xth – the First Third of the XIIIth Century . Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (1), 148–159.



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