Archaeological Circle of Kazan University is 25 Years Old (Eyewitness Memories)


  • Sergey V. Kuzminykh Institute of Archaeology RAS



archaeological circle, Kazan University, 25-year Anniversary, N.F. Kalinin, A.Kh. Khalikov


The first big Anniversary – the 25th Anniversary of the student archaeological circle of Kazan University was celebrated in 1971. The creation of the archaeological circle in 1946 became a trend of the time and a school for preparing archaeological youth for professional activity. Students (A. Khalikov, T. Khlebnikova, N. Aksenova, Yu. Otkupshchikov, B. Konstantinov, B. Lebedev, P. Mikhailov, V. Makarychev, A. Salimyanova, K. Sinitsyna, etc.), having gained expedition experience, skills in preparing field reports and scientific reports, became the mainstay of N.F. Kalinin's role in conducting exploration work and reliable assistants in the excavations of the Bulgar and Kamaevo fortified settlements, the Russian-Urmat settlement and other sites. In the article, based on personal memories and protocols of the archaeological circle, the chronicle of the preparation and holding of the anniversary student scientific conference is recreated.


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How to Cite

Kuzminykh , S. V. . (2022). Archaeological Circle of Kazan University is 25 Years Old (Eyewitness Memories). Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (1), 278–284.


