
  • Ksenia Yu. Konovalova Perm State University



archaeology, archaeozoology, age determination, mammals, animal bone


Archaeozoologists conducting comprehensive studies of bone remains are involved as specialists in the modern study of archaeological sites. Determination of the individual age of animals, especially domestic ungulates, plays an important role in these studies. Information about the age of the animals can reveal the peculiarities of stock farming and livestock conditions. The main methods for age determination are addressed in the paper. Typically, archaeozoologists use the method of determining age by ossification of the epiphysis and the method of assessing the condition of the dental system. The obtained data will allow to learn more about the economic activities of people.


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How to Cite

Konovalova, K. Y. (2020). AGE DETERMINATION OF MAMMALS USING BONE REMAINS. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (5), 12–16.



Research and Publication