
  • Vladimir V. Kufterin N.N. Miklukho-Maklai Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences. Leninsky Ave., 32а, Moscow,119334, Russian Federation
  • Dmitriy O. Gimranov Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences. 8 Marta Str. 202, Yekaterinburg, 620144, Russian Federation
  • Nadezhda A. Dubova N.N. Miklukho-Maklai Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology, Russian Academy of Sciences. Leninsky Ave., 32а, Moscow,119334, Russian Federation



history of science, zooarchaeology, paleozoology, historical ecology, Southern Urals, Central Asia


The article is dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the famous Russian specialist in zooarchaeology, Quaternary paleozoology and historical ecology of the Southern Urals and Central Asia – PhD in Biology Robert M. Sataev. In addition to brief biographical information, a sight at the periodization of Sataevs’ scientifi c heritage (from the fi rst studies in stratigraphy and paleozoology of the Pleistocene–Holocene to generalizing interdisciplinary theoretical ones) and a list of his main publications are given. In total, Robert M. Sataev is the author of over 100 scientifi c publications on various issues of zooarchaeology, paleozoology, paleoecology and historical ecology, problems of the natural resources management studying in ancient and traditional societies. Two of his students defended their PhD theses.


Dobrovolskaya, M. V. 2018. In Etnografi cheskoe obozrenie (Ethnographic Review) 1, 87–89 (in Russian) DOI: 10.13039/501100002261

Dubova, N. A., Sataev, R. M. 2015. In Korusenko, M. A. (ed). Integratsiia arkheologicheskikh i etnografi cheskikh issledovanii (Integration of Archaeological and Ethnographic Studies). Barnaul, Omsk: “Nauka” Publ., 185–188 (in Russian).

Pushkareva, N. L. 2018. In Etnografi cheskoe obozrenie (Ethnographic Review) 1, 83–86 (in Russian) DOI: 10.13039/501100002261

Sataev, R. M., 2005. Ekologicheskaia interpritatsiia paleofaunisticheskikh materialov (na primere golotsenovykh nazemnykh pozvonochnykh Bashkirskogo Yuzhnogo Urala (Ecological Interpretation of Palaeofaunal Materials (on the Example of Holocene Sites of Terrestrial Vertebrates in the Bashkir Southern Urals) Thesis of Diss. of Candidate of Biological Sciences. Kazan (in Russian).

Sataev, R. M. 2009. In Guboglo, M. N. (ed.). Kursom razvivayushcheisia Moldovy. Edinstvo i mnogoobrazie v sisteme kulturnogo naslediia (The Course of Developing Moldova. Unity and Diversity in the System of Cultural Heritage) 8. Moscow: “Staryi sad” Publ., 80–88 (in Russian).

Sataev, R. M. 2009. In Ismagil, R., Morozov, Yu. A., Chaplygin, M. S. Nikolaevskie kurgany (“Elena”) na reke Sterlia v Bashkortostane (Nikolaevsky Barrows (“Elena”) on the Sterlya River in Bashkortostan). Ufa: “DesingPoligrafServis” Publ., 211–221 (in Russian)

Sataev, R. M. 2010. In Kozhin, M., Kosarev, M.F., Dubova, N.A. (eds.). Na puti otkrutiia tsivilizatsii. (Towards the Discovery of Civilization) Series: Trudy Margianskoi arkheologicheskoi ekspeditsii (Proceedings of the Margiana archaeological expedition) 3. Saint Petersburg: “Aleteiia” Publ., 466–484 (in Russian).

Sataev, R. M. 2016. Zhivotnye v kul’ture Drevnei Margiany (Animals in the culture of ancient Margiana). Moscow: “Staryi sad” Publ. (in Russian).

Sataev, R. M. 2017. In Vestnik arkheologii, antropologii i etnografi i (Bulletin of Archaeology, Anthropology and Ethnography) 39 (4), 126–134 (in Russian). DOI: 10.20874/2071-0437-2017-39-4-126-134

Sataev, R. M. 2018. In Etnografi cheskoe obozrenie (Ethnographic Review) 1, 73–82 (in Russian) DOI: 10.7868/S0869541518010074

Sataev, R. M. 2018. In Etnografi cheskoe obozrenie (Ethnographic Review) 1, 93–95 (in Russian) DOI: 10.13039/501100002261

Sataev, R. M. 2018. In Dubova, N. A.. (ed.). Issledovaniia Gonur-Depe v 2014-2015 (Studies of Gonur Depe in 2014–2015) Series: Trudy Margianskoi arkheologicheskoi ekspeditsii (Proceedings of the Margiana archaeological expedition) 7. Moscow: “Staryi sad” Publ., 80–86 (in Russian).

Sataev, R. M., Sataeva, L. V., Nurmukhametov, I. M., Rakhmatullin, R. R. 2000. In Zdorov'e, razvedenie i zashchita melkikh domashnikh zhivotnikh. Materialy I mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii (25 – 26 ianvaria 2000 Ufa (Health, Breeding and Protection of Small Domestic Animals: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference. (January, 25-26th. 2000. Ufa).) Ufa: “Vetna” Publ., 83–86 (in Russian).

Yamskoi, A. N. 2018. In Etnografi cheskoe obozrenie (Ethnographic Review) 1, 90–92 (in Russian) DOI: 10.13039/501100002261



How to Cite

Kufterin, V. V., Gimranov, D. O., & Dubova, N. A. (2021). IN THE MULTIDIMENSIONAL SPACE OF SCIENTIFIC SEARCH (TO THE ANNIVERSARY OF ROBERT M. SATAEV). Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (1), 334–339.


