Spearheads From Turbino Burial Ground: metal composition and production technology


  • Natalia I. Shishlina State Historical Museum
  • Anastasiya Yu. Loboda National Research Center Kurchatov Institute
  • Natalia G. Soloshenko Institute of Geology and Geochemistry UB RAS
  • Vladimir A. Khvostikov Institute of Microelectronics, Technology Problems and High-Purity Material, RAS




archaeology, Bronze Age, Seima-Turbino culture, Turbino burial ground, process sequence, reclaimed resources


This paper features the results of an analysis of the chemical and lead isotope composition in the bronze and silver alloys of spearheads from the Turbino burial ground, as well as the results of a trace-wear analyses. The study of casting traces, casting defects and post-casting operations indicated that the spearheads were cast in bivalve moulds using a technology developed in the Early Seima–Turbino period. The silver spearheads were made of silver alloys with an addition of arsenic copper; one spearhead was made almost entirely of pure copper; three spearheads were made of tin bronze, with a tin concentration of up to 30%. Tin was added deliberately to make these spearheads resemble silver. The results of an analysis of lead isotopic composition in silver alloys suggest that the craftsmen could have used native silver, to which smelted copper of different compositions was added. The lead isotopic composition of copper and other bronze items as well as tin-bronze plates from the Borodino hoard indicates that the ore deposits from different sources of the Urals and Trans-Urals were used for smelting. The smiths deliberately experimented with the ligature and produced silver color in other spears whose alloy was based on copper. The addition of tin and silver to the ligature is a conscious choice of the smith.


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How to Cite

Shishlina , N. I. ., Loboda , A. Y. ., Soloshenko , N. G. ., & Khvostikov , V. A. (2022). Spearheads From Turbino Burial Ground: metal composition and production technology. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (2), 168–179. https://doi.org/10.24852/2587-6112.2022.2.168.179



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