Location of the Uralic proto-language in the Kama River Valley and the Uralic speakers' Expansion east and west with the 'Sejma-Turbino transcultural phenomenon’ 2200-1900 BC


  • Asko Parpola University of Helsinki




archaeology, Volgo-Kama Neolithic, Kama River Valley, Sejma-Turbino, Garino-Bor, Abashevo, Sintashta, chariot, Uralic, Indo-European, Indo-Iranian


Volgo-Kama Neolithic resulted from an expansion of the Elshan culture to Lower Kama c. 5700 BCE. Corresponding “Indo-Uralic” linguistic parallels attest to an expansion of pre-Proto-Indo-European speakers to the area of pre-Proto-Uralic speakers. This supports the evidence of linguistic palaeontology (Proto-Uralic words for ‘cembra pine’ and for ‘bee’ and ‘honey’) for the Kama River Valley as the Uralic homeland. Proto-Uralic had loanwords from pre-Proto-Indo-Iranian, whose speakers can now be traced to the Abashevo culture of 2200–2000 BCE: the Abashevo expansion from Lower Kama to the Ural-Tobol interfluve created the Sintashta culture (2000–1900 BCE), which has the earliest archaeological evidence for horse-drawn chariots, matching Proto-Indo-Iranian chariot vocabulary. Between 2200 and 1900 BCE, the Sejma-Turbino network (ST) of warrior-smith-traders distributed high-quality weapons along the border of taiga and steppe between the Upper Ob and Finland. This long but narrow corridor matches the distribution of the intermediate proto-languages of the Uralic family. It is argued that the ST came into being when Abashevo smiths moved from Balanbash on Lower Kama to Turbino on Mid-Kama and there created the ST metal axe-celt to replace the local stone-celt. The metal axe and Abashevo-like lance-heads and other weapons were then traded west and east, to hunter-fisher-cultures of Europe and Siberia (where weapons of tin-bronze were produced), establishing Proto-Uralic as the language of the areas of ST rule.


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How to Cite

Parpola, A. (2022). Location of the Uralic proto-language in the Kama River Valley and the Uralic speakers’ Expansion east and west with the ’Sejma-Turbino transcultural phenomenon’ 2200-1900 BC. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (2), 258–277. https://doi.org/10.24852/2587-6112.2022.2.258.277



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