Balakino I – Site of the Bronze Age in the Vicinity of Nizhny Tagil (Middle Transurals)


  • Yuri B. Serikov Nizhny Tagil State Social-Pedagogical Institute (branch of Russian State Professional-Pedagogical University



archaeology, Middle Transurals, Late Bronze Age, ceramic complex, arrowheads, Balakino type of scrapers, beaters, rock sanctuary.


Materials of a single-layer site of the late Bronze Age Balakino I are published in the paper. The collection of the finds comprises 7883 items. Of these, 6398 are fragments of ceramics (about 300 vessels) and 1389 are stone products. The ceramic complex is represented by vessels of the Cherkaskul–Mezhovka (predominate) and Koptyaki types. Among the stone items, the most expressive ones are arrowheads, Balakino type scrapers and beaters. The arrowheads were treated with flat pressing retouching and made in the form of regular wide triangles with a flat or slightly concave base. The Balakino type of scrapers are widely known at the sites of the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages. A special feature of the complex of stone products is the presence of 24 massive beaters, nine of which were found in the hoard. The presence of a large number of beaters at the site suggests its connection with the extraction and crushing of ore.


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How to Cite

Serikov , Y. B. . (2022). Balakino I – Site of the Bronze Age in the Vicinity of Nizhny Tagil (Middle Transurals). Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (2), 302–312.



Research and Publication