
  • Igor V. Chechushkov Ural branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. S. Kovalevskoy, Str., 16, Yekaterinburg, 620990, Russian Federation



archaeology, exploratory data analysis in archaeology, cultural layer, Bronze Age, settlement archaeology


The paper provides an alternative approach to study of the cultural layers of archaeological sites from the
perspective of exploratory data analysis – one of the branches of mathematical statistics. It is often impossible
or irrational to perform a complete study of the cultural layer of an archeological site, i. e. to subject it to complete
excavations. Therefore, the main types of samples are described: random sampling, systematized random
sampling and stratifi ed random sampling, which are required to obtain an undistorted view of the general
population – the cultural layer. The basic principles of the formation of random samples are also outlined in the
paper. Statistical methods for calculating the confi dence intervals of the averages and proportions are described
on the example of the cultural layers of the Late Bronze Age settlements of the Southern Trans-Urals. They are
used to study the saturation of the cultural layer with material remains and their diversity in order to characterize
the entire general population inaccessible for studying. In conclusion, a method is provided for calculating
the area required to be excavated in order to characterize the previously unexplored sites. It is concluded that,
in combination with a statistical approach, the excavation of small areas can guarantee studying of the cultural
layer while preserving the cultural heritage site.


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How to Cite

Chechushkov, I. V. (2021). STATISTICAL METHODS IN STUDYING OF CULTURAL LAYERS OF THE LATE BRONZE AGE SETTLEMENTS (INCLUDING THE AUTHOR’S CORRECTIONS). Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (2), 6–16.



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