Verification of Archeological Sites Discovered by Expeditions under the Supervision of V.V. Golmsten (on the example of “Kurgannik (burial mound) near Domashka Village”)


  • Denis V. Valkov Archeological Studies Division Head, “Universal Research & Studies LLC”
  • Natalia V. Bolshakova Archeological Studies Division Head, “Universal Research & Studies LLC”
  • Roman A. Koshutin Moscow State University
  • Gleb V. Pinigin Institute of Geography RAS



archaeology, Volga region, search for archaeological sites, expeditions by V.V. Golmsten, remote sensing, thermal imager


The paper addresses the search for a burial mound, explored in 1926 by the members of the Samara Society of Archaeology, History, Ethnography and Natural Science under the general guidance of V.V. Golmsten. The finds from this significant site include a unique copper cauldron of the late Bronze Age. Over the years, information about the location of this site has been lost. The search was carried out with the use of an analysis of archival and modern space images, a spatial analysis, and an analysis of a digital terrain model. The results were verified by field surveying. For the first time, the search of steppe mounds was successfully aided by thermal imaging using unmanned aerial vehicles. Convincing verification of the site in the field allows to use this complex technique is searching for archaeological sites which have been previously discovered, but are considered lost.


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How to Cite

Valkov , D. V., Bolshakova , N. V., Koshutin , R. A., & Pinigin , G. V. (2022). Verification of Archeological Sites Discovered by Expeditions under the Supervision of V.V. Golmsten (on the example of “Kurgannik (burial mound) near Domashka Village”) . Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (2), 418–435.



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