Copper Socketed Axe from the Svetloye Pole II Burial Mound


  • Ekaterina V. Volkova Research Associate, Research and production Centre “Bifas”
  • Alexey V. Denisov Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education; Research Associate Research and production Centre “Bifas”.
  • Dmitrii V. Kormilitsyn Agency for preservation of historical and cultural heritage of Samara Region
  • Vladimir I. Platonov Samara National Research University



archaeology, socketed axe, Svetloye Pole II burial mound, Samara Volga region, Final Bronze Age, non-ferrous metalworking


The paper features the results of a study of a copper socketed axe discovered at the Svetloye Pole II burial mound located at the interfluve of the Sok and Kondurcha rivers in the forest-steppe zone of Samara Volga region. Aspects of the morphology, technology, tool ornamentation, as well as the chemical analysis of the metal, were subjected to a comparative study. Based on the total morphological, technological and ornamental attributes, the tool correlates with the late socketed axes of the Maklasheevka culture and has a shape that is transitional to the early types of the Ananyino culture. The socketed axe is dated 10th–9th centuries BC, and can even date back to the 8th century BC. It most probably appeared as a result of migration of part of the population of the Maklasheevka culture from the area of the Lower Belaya river downstream the Sok river at the Final Late Bronze Age. Less probably, the sacrificial complex with the socketed axe was left by the early nomads, who appeared in Samara Volga region around the 9th century BC.


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How to Cite

Volkova , E. V., Denisov , A. V., Kormilitsyn , D. V., & Platonov , V. I. (2022). Copper Socketed Axe from the Svetloye Pole II Burial Mound. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (2), 446–451.



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