
  • Anton V. Lyganov Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Khalikov, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan. Butlerov St., 30, Kazan, 420012, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation



archaeology, Mesha river, Eneolithic, Volosovo culture, Late Bronze Age, ceramics made according to “Srubna” traditions, Pozdnyakovo culture, Atabaevo stage of the Maklasheevka culture, the culture of textile ceramics, Maklasheevka culture, AMS 14С dates


The paper addresses the ceramic, fl int and metal items obtained as a result of the study of a residential hollow at the Kurmanakovo IV site. The ceramics made it possible to identify four cultural and chronological horizons at the site. The fi rst horizon is represented by ceramics and fl int items of the Middle Volga variant of the Volosovo Cultural and Historical Area. The second chronological complex is represented by hybrid ceramics of the Pokrovka stage of the Srubnaia Cultural and Historical Area and the fi nal period of the Volosovo culture. The third stage includes the most numerous discovered ceramic and fl int items of the early (Atabaevo)
stage of the Maklasheevka culture and the culture of textile ceramics of the period of its formation in the Kazan Volga Region. The construction of a dugout in the territory of the site is related to this period. Ceramics of the Maklasheevka culture of the late (Maklasheevka) stage and hybrid ceramics with signs of pottery traditions of the carriers of the Maklasheevka culture and the culture of textile ceramics of the fi nal stage of the Late Bronze Age were revealed in the upper horizons of a dwelling’s fi lling material. The AMS 14С date obtained using a charred log in the passage between dugouts also belongs to the fi nal stage of the Late Bronze Age – 2 σ (96%)1274–1055 cal. years BC. (UOC-13395, INTCAL20).


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How to Cite

Lyganov, A. V. (2021). CULTURAL AND CHRONOLOGICAL COMPLEXES OF KURMANAKOVO IV SITE IN THE LOWER REACHES OF THE MESHA RIVER. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (2), 29–46.



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