
  • Aleksandr V. Novikov LLC "Kostroma Archaeological Expedition", 156013, Kostroma, Marshal Novikov, Str. 10, Russian Federation




archaeology, Vetluga region, Odoyevskoe hillfort, Final Bronze Age, Early Iron Age, ceramics with frame decoration of the “Odoyevskoe type”, Vyatka-Vetluga culture of the Ananyino Cultural and Historical Region, mesh ceramics


The paper introduces into scientifi c discourse the materials obtained as a result of excavations at Odoevskoe hillfort in 1925–1926 by B.S. Zhukov and O.N. Bader. The paper addresses the issues of the cultural attributes of the Vetluga region in the Early Iron Age, examines and defi nes the main vectors of intercultural interaction. The greatest attention is paid to the ceramic complexes of Odoevskoe hillfort. For the fi rst time, the ceramics of the “Odoevskoe type” with framed decoration from the Pre-Ananyino period, which probably appeared at the settlement in late 2nd - the turn of the 2nd millennium BC, and hybrid ceramics with signs of the framed “Odoevskoe type” and Lebyazhskaya type were identifi ed. The fi nds of the Vyatka-Vetluga culture of the Ananyino Cultural and Historical Region are analyzed. The collection is dominated by Ananyino ceramics with a straight or slightly bent neck and slightly convex shoulders. A combed stamp is most frequently used for ornamentation. The ware was made mainly of non-sandy and slightly sandy clays with an admixture of shells, shells and chamotte, or chamotte and organic residues in the molding mass. The author outlines the common features allowing to note the close similarity of the ceramics and bone products from the settlements of the Vyatka and Vetluga rivers basins. The specifi c features are outlined, which indicate a certain originality of the Ananyino ceramics from Odoevskoe hillfort and its difference from the Vyatka items, which are justifi ed both by the geographical location of the monuments and the cultural specifi city based on the degree of interaction with other cultural groups within the Ananyino world. The attributes of the mesh ware having appeared at the site in the Late Ananyino period have been established. The beginning of the Ananyino settling of the hillfort took place in 7th century BC, and the fi nal stage - in the 3rd/2nd centuries BC.


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Novikov, A. V. (2021). ODOEVSKOYE HILLFORT. THE ISSUE OF THE CULTURAL SPECIFIC OF THE VETLUGA REGION IN THE EARLY IRON AGE. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (2), 108–169. https://doi.org/10.24852/2587-6112.2021.2.108.169



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