
  • Sergey Yu. Nikolaev Institute for History, Language and Literature, Ufa Federal Research Center, Russian Academy of Sciences (IHLL UFRC RAS). Oktyabrya Av., 721, Ufa, 450054, the Republic of Bashkortostan, Russian Federation




archaeology, the Sarmatians, swords and daggers with a ring-shaped pommel, accidental finds, Southern Cis-Urals


Based on a sample collection of the so-called “accidental” fi nds of Sarmatian bladed weapons with a ringshaped pommel from the territory of the Southern Urals, their main elements were distinguished (the shape and cross-section of the pommel, cross-guard, handle and blade). The justifi cation for the selection of “random” fi nds as a basis for the analysis is provided, since their good preservation, in contrast to the swords and daggers from the burial complexes, makes it possible to better ascertain their main elements. During the study, each element is broken down into types according to the design features. An analysis of the obtained results is provided, groups of swords and daggers with a similar complex of elements were distinguished, including specimen bearing the features of both classical swords with a ring-shaped pommel and the classical preceding Prokhorovka type. The presence among the known samples of “accidental” fi nds of discontinuing (experimental) lines of development of individual elements was noted, which confi rms the process of evolution of blade weapons of the early nomads in this territory. A conclusion is made concerning the evolutionary transition of Prokhorovka swords and daggers into ring-shaped items in the territory of the Southern Urals, and the need to clarify the existing typology of Sarmatian weapons with due account of the obtained information and newly identifi ed specimens.


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How to Cite

Nikolaev, S. Y. (2021). SWORDS AND DAGGERS WITH RING POMMELS: ACCIDENTAL FINDS FROM THE TERRITORY OF THE SOUTHERN CIS-URALS. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (2), 170–174. https://doi.org/10.24852/2587-6112.2021.2.170.174



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