
  • Vladimir V. Ovsyannikov Institute of History, Language and Literature, Russian Academy of Sciences, Urals Scientifi c Center. Oktyabrya Av., 721, Ufa, 450054, the Republic of Bashkortostan, Russian Federation



archaeology, Pre-Urals, Early Iron Age, Kara-Abyz culture, subsoil burial ground, burial rite, chronology


Biktimirovo II burial ground is part of Biktimirovo archaeological complex, which includes a hillfort and three burial grounds. The complex represents the remains of a tribal center of the Kara-Abyz culture of the Early Iron Age. Biktimirovo sites have been repeatedly studied: in 1962-1964 by O.Kh. Pshenichnyuk, in 2004-2005 by I.M. Akbulatov, and in 2010-2011 – by the author of the paper. Only the results of excavations at the Biktimirovo I burial ground and Biktimirovo hillfort have been partially published. This paper introduces into scientifi c circulation the study materials of Biktimirovo II burial ground for 1958, 1962 and 2010. A description of the burial rite and the inventory of ten burials are provided. This necropolis was left by a small family-clan group. The chronological framework for the operation of the burial ground has been determined as the 4th century BC – 1st century AD. The burial ground is synchronous with the rest of the ancient cemeteries within the Biktimirovo archaeological complex. The author draws attention to the fact that the main part of the burials of the complex belongs to the period of the 3rd-2nd centuries BC. Thus, the Biktimirovo archaeological complex can be mainly attributed to the early stages of the Kara-Abyz culture. The upper limit of the operation of the complex as a whole can be attributed to the turn of the eras.


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How to Cite

Ovsyannikov, V. V. (2021). BIKTIMIROVO II BURIAL GROUND. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (2), 191–206.



Research and Publication