Girl's Bead Necklace from the Western Urals at the Turn of the Era (based on materials from the excavations of Pyany Bor Kipchakovo I mound-soil burial ground)


  • Sergey E. Zubov Samara National Research University
  • Svetlana S. Ronzhova Samara National Research University; Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education



archaeology, Early Iron Age, Volga-Kama, Pyany Bor culture, children's burials, bead implements, chronology, imports.


A necklace from a children's burial (barrow 5, burial 17/2013) of the Kipchakovo I mound-soil burial ground is analyzed in the paper. The age of the child according to the set of isolated milk -teeth corresponded to 3-4 years. The burial included a rich set of clothing decorations, a headdress and shoes made of non-ferrous metals, as well as representative bead complex, most of which was part of the necklace. This neck adornment consisted of numerous imported glass beads. The beads were divided into three main categories: multi-color (polychrome) (3 pieces) monochrome, (89 pieces), beads with a metal spacer (134 pieces) and 10 types according to the samples of E.M. Alekseeva. Quite a wide dating of bead material by E.M. Alekseeva (2nd century BC - 1st century AD) was corrected by planigraphic observations, which made it possible to determine a narrower chronological framework (II - mid-I century BC). In general, the necklace is a multi-tiered composition of 4-5 rows of beads of different categories.


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How to Cite

Zubov , S. E. ., & Ronzhova , S. S. . (2022). Girl’s Bead Necklace from the Western Urals at the Turn of the Era (based on materials from the excavations of Pyany Bor Kipchakovo I mound-soil burial ground). Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (5), 119–128.



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