The beads found on the Glyadenovo Sanctuary During the 2003–2006 Excavation Period


  • Sergei N. Korenyuk Perm State University
  • Mariya K. Mingaleva Perm State University



archaeology, Kama region, Early Iron Age, the Glyadenovo hillfort and sanctuary, beads.


The article presents the results of the analysis of the beads found on the Glyadenovo sanctuary during the 2003-2006 excavation period. Glyadenovo hillfort and sanctuary archaeology site (VI century BC – V century AD) is a large cult center of the Early Iron Age in the Kama region. Total number consists of 842 beads. These beads are presented in such amount for the first time. The analysis includes a morpho-technological description of the beads. The beads are divided into categories based on a number of similar priority features. There are five categories of beads: metal beads, beads with metal foil, monochrome glass beads, Egyptian faience and polychrome glass beads. "Gold-glass" beads with a metal foil predominate. Blue beads with a décor like eyes predominate for polychromes beads. The chronological markers are identified on the basis of analogies with the beads from other regions.


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How to Cite

Korenyuk , S. N. ., & Mingaleva , M. K. (2022). The beads found on the Glyadenovo Sanctuary During the 2003–2006 Excavation Period. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (5), 151–163.



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