Highlighting of Northern Eurasia Social Elites from the Position of Consciousness Forms


  • Valeriy I. Kuzin-Losev Donetsk Republican Museum of Local Lore.




new archaeology, key complexes, semiotics of antiquity, the Bronze Age, social elite, mental paradigms, demography and information theory.


The author suggests new approaches related to the identification of elitist social strata within the Bronze Age cultures of Northern Eurasia according to a number of unique criteria. The elite of society from a certain historical stages was the bearer of specific forms of consciousness, and after that, the consumer of completely new sign systems and cultural forms. The appeal to various forms of culture allows us to identify within society a number of criteria by which individual social groups with different mental paradigms are identified. According to the archaeological materials of Northern Eurasia, the class of elitists is first revealed in the Maikop culture. The key place in the article is the semiotic analysis of archaeological materials of the destructive period of transition from the Middle Bronze Age to the Late Bronze Age of Northern Eurasia. The reference to the cultural and historical processes in the Bronze Age of the Eastern Europe steppe area and the Urals allows the author to state the presence of several subcultures within a single culture. Structural formations of subcultures are considered as complementary to each other. Thus, the work deals with one of the aspects of the antiquities of steppe Eurasia within the new archaeology.


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How to Cite

Kuzin-Losev , V. I. . . (2022). Highlighting of Northern Eurasia Social Elites from the Position of Consciousness Forms. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (5), 178–191. https://doi.org/10.24852/2587-6112.2022.5.178.191



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