Horse Accessories in Burial Grounds of Vetluga and Vyatka Interfluve


  • Tatyana B. Nikitina Mari El Language, Literature and History Research Institute named after V.M. Vasilyev



archaeology, stirrups, bits, bridles, Middle Ages, the Mari, burial rite.


The author for the first-time summarizes information on finds of horse accessories in the burial grounds of the Vetluga and Vyatka interfluve of the X–XI centuries, provides a complete description of the categories of finds: stirrups (16 specimens), bits (10 specimens), buckles (3 specimens), bridle (3 specimens). The materials are systematized using the typology developed by A.N. Kirpichnikov on Ancient Russia. An attempt was made to reconstruct the bridle from the sanctuary assemblage 65 of the Dubovoe burial ground. Horse accessories from the burial grounds of the Vetluga and Vyatka interfluve have numerous analogies in the nomadic cultures of the Lower Volga, the Southern Urals, the Irtysh regions, the Altai and Eastern European steppes. A comparative analysis of findings from medieval Mari burial grounds and ethnographic sources on the traditional culture of the Mari and neighboring Finno-Ugric and Turkic peoples made it possible to understand certain features of the burial rite related to the sacred symbol of the horse.


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How to Cite

Nikitina , T. B. (2022). Horse Accessories in Burial Grounds of Vetluga and Vyatka Interfluve. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (5), 235–243.



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