Western and Eastern Imports in Barrow Complexes of the 1 Group «Studenikin Mar» of Necropolis «Studenikin Mar – Vysokaya Mogila» in the Southern Urals


  • Sergei V. Sirotin Institute of Archaeology Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Dar’ya S. Bogarchuk Institute of Archaeology Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Konstantin S. Okorokv Institute of Archaeology Russian Academy of Sciences




steppes of Eurasia, Southern Urals, early nomads, cultural contacts, imports, chronology.


The article is about a complex of items of import origin, found in the study of the barrow of the 1 group «Studenikin Mar» of necropolis «Studenikin Mar – Vysokaya Mogila» in the Southern Urals. The studied barrow belongs to the category of large structures of nomadic nobility. The specific architecture and burial organization of the burial site were noted, that allows us to attribute it to the Filippovka type. In addition to the dromos burial in the center of the barrow, another 5 burials on the periphery were studied. Burial rites and items sets have broad analogies among the antiquities of the South Ural nomads of the IV century. BC. Of particular interest is the items set of imported origin. The iron sword, bridle pieces have analogies in the sites of the Pre-Caucasus, Kuban, Lower and Middle Don. All these items are a result of contacts of Southern Urals nomads with the population of the Scythian world. The pack pottery flask is of Asian origin and was made in Khorezm workshops. Findings of Asian items point the eastern vector of contacts of Southern Urals nomads. Many imports come from from fixed-date sites and are therefore they are chronological indicators for nomadic complexes. The presence of imported items in the burial complexes of the Southern Urals nomads indicates extensive links and cultural contacts with the population of neighboring areas.


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How to Cite

Sirotin , S. V. ., Bogarchuk , D. S., & Okorokv , K. S. . (2022). Western and Eastern Imports in Barrow Complexes of the 1 Group «Studenikin Mar» of Necropolis «Studenikin Mar – Vysokaya Mogila» in the Southern Urals. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (5), 271–281. https://doi.org/10.24852/2587-6112.2022.5.271.281



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