About the Bulgarian Coins of Mengu-Timur with the Title "An-Nasir Li-Din Allah" (1266–1272)


  • Alexey I. Bugarchev Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Khalikov, Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
  • Oleg V. Stepanov Local Historian, numismatist –researcher




archaeology, dirham, coin, hoard, tamga, metrology, coin circulation, Bulgar, khan Mengu-Timur, an-Nasir, XIII century


The paper deals with the study of an early type of Golden Horde dirham with the number C/64 with the legend "Main Tamga", minted in 665-671 AH / 1266-1272 AD. Three variants of the Bulgar toponym were found – BLGAR, BULGAR, BUALGAR, three variants of tamga – with a cross-piece at the right leg, with a cross-piece at the left leg and without a cross-piece. The metrology is considered in detail by the authors. Two histograms are given – from the Laishevo hoard (66) and the collection, based on all coins known to the authors (149). Several peaks were found that coincide in both histograms – at values of 0.66 g, 0.88 g and 1.01 g. Two more minor maxima were found on the combined histogram – by 1.15 g and 1.26 g. It is concluded that the indicated weight was repeatedly lowered by a step of 0.12 g. The authors believe that C/64 coins could have been minted at several mints of the Bolgar region. After 1273, this type falls out of coin circulation


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How to Cite

Bugarchev , A. I. ., & Stepanov , O. V. (2022). About the Bulgarian Coins of Mengu-Timur with the Title "An-Nasir Li-Din Allah" (1266–1272). Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (6), 8–13. https://doi.org/10.24852/2587-6112.2022.6.8.13



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