Flint Inventory from the Ainikab 5 Site in the North-Eastern Caucasus


  • Artur I. Taymazov Institute of History, Archaeology and Ethnography, Daghestan Federal Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences




archaeology, Early Paleolithic, Acheulean, Middle Pleistocene, Ainikab 5, handaxe, uniface, scraper, notched tool, North-East Caucasus.


The paper considers the characteristics of the stone inventory from the site of Ainikab 5 of the Early Paleolithic. The finds were made on the surface of a 100-meter terrace of the Usisha River. According to paleogeographic reconstructions the formation of this terrace dates back to the time of the Mindel-Ris interglacial which corresponds to the Early Khazar horizon of the Caspian stratigraphic scheme. The collection of flint artifacts includes single-platform cores, tools on flakes and fragments of flint raw materials, debitage. The tools with secondary treatment consist of the fragment of handaxe, various types of scrapers, notched tools, uniface, a small bifacial chopper and retouched flake. In cultural and chronological terms, archaeological materials from the Ainikab 5 site correspond to the Late Acheulean.


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Taymazov A. I. 2022. In Istoriya, arkheologiya, i etnografiya Kavkaza (History, Archaeology, and Ethnography of the Caucasus) 18 (3), 751–772. DOI: https://doi.org/10.32653/CH183751-772 (in Russian).



How to Cite

Taymazov , A. I. (2022). Flint Inventory from the Ainikab 5 Site in the North-Eastern Caucasus. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (6), 167–174. https://doi.org/10.24852/2587-6112.2022.6.167.174



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