Rock Paintings of the Seterlu-1 Site (Central Altai)


  • Aidyn U. Urbushev Institute of Archaeology named after A. Kh. Khalikov Tatarstan Academy of Sciences



archaeology, Early Middle Ages, Altai, Seterlu-1, parietal art, engravings, banners, ritual ceremony.


The article presents new materials of the Early Middle Ages parietal art from Seterlu-1 site in the Altai Mountains. The location of the petroglyphs previously unknown to science was reported by a local resident B.M. Kindikov. The revealed engravings are represented by a hunting scene, images of horsemen with banners. The latter, found infrequently, make it possible to outline the areas of use of certain types of banners on the territory of early medieval Turkic states and identify local areas of their concentration. A ritual scene, extremely rare for the iconographic tradition of the ancient Turks, is also seen on Seterlu-1. Using data from various written sources, it is assumed that this scene shows a rite of worship or begging. It is determined by stylistic analysis that particular groups of paintings were made by different artists, probably, even in different chronological periods within the Early Middle Ages.


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How to Cite

Urbushev , A. U. . (2022). Rock Paintings of the Seterlu-1 Site (Central Altai) . Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (6), 218–226.



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