
  • Elizaveta V. Volkova Institute of Archaeology named after A.Kh. Khalikov, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan. Butlerov St., 30, Kazan, 420012, the Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation
  • Ilgizar R. Gazimzyanov Kazan, Russian Federation
  • Konstantin V. Kiryagin Department of Forensic Medical research of the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation for the Republic of Tatarstan, Bolshaya Krasnaya Str. 39, Kazan, 420015, the Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation
  • Viktor А. Kalyanov Kazan State Medical University. Butlerov St., 49, Kazan, 420012, the Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation



physical anthropology, craniology, trauma, the physiologic stress markers, age-related skeletal changes, pathology, Izhevsk burial ground, formation of the physical appearance of the population, Mazunino archaeological culture, Lower Kama Region


The article is dedicated to a study of craniological materials from Izhevsk burial ground. The researchers had at their disposal a series of 19 male and 26 female skulls. The male skulls are generally characterized as dolicho-mezokranial with a low arch height and moderate development of muscle relief in the neck and forehead. The facial skeleton is medium-wide, medium-high, and medium in terms of proportion. In the general vertical projection, the face is mesognathic, and in the alveolar projection - prognathic. Overall, the male skulls from Izhevsk burial ground belong to caucasoid forms, but with non-moderate features, which may indicate the presence of a mongoloid component. The female skulls, with due account of sexual dimorphism, were not much different from the male skulls, with the exception of a smaller protruding angle of the nose, which can indicate a more pronounced mongoloid component. The craniological series of the Izhevsk burial ground, regardless of gender, is summarized as Caucasoid, but with the inclusion of a certain portion of Mongoloid impurity, which is most pronounced in its female portion. The series from Izhevsk burial ground, according to its morphological features - an elongated skull, narrow and medium-high face combined with moderate horizontal profi ling and medium protrusion of the nasal bones is included in the Volga-Ural series of the turn of the epochs, which anthropologically represent the population of the Pyany Bor, Mazunino, Kara-abyz, Azelino, Gladenovo and Bakhmutino cultures. Probably, the formation of the physical appearance of this population took place on a common morphological basis (Caucasoid as a whole), which, however, does not exclude the genetic infl uence of individual "southern" Caucasoid and more Mongoloid "eastern" groups. A paleo-pathological analysis of the remains of the fi nds from Izhevsk burial ground has allowed to trace and characterize trauma on 4 skulls (9.5%) and 8 skeletons (11%). The osteomalacia and occurrence rate of physiological stress markers (in half of the cases) indicate severe living conditions of the population buried at Izhevsk burial ground.


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How to Cite

Volkova, E. V., Gazimzyanov, I. R., Kiryagin, K. V., & Kalyanov V. А. (2021). PALEOANTHROPOLOGICAL AND PALEOPATHOLOGICAL STUDY OF THE LOWER KAMA BASIN POPULATION OF TURN OF THE ERAS ACCORDING TO THE MATERIALS OF IZHEVSK BURIAL GROUND. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (2), 325–337.



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