Some Issues of the Archaeological Object`s Information Support on the Case the Complex of Grave 1101 Tankeevka Burial Ground


  • Valentina A. Valeeva Institute of Archaeology named after A. Kh. Khalikov, Tatarstan Academy of Sciences. Butlerov Str., 30, Kazan, 420012, the Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation



archaeological object, museum object, information field, information support, Tankeevka burial ground, early Bulgars


A unique collection of objects was obtained during the long-term archaeological excavations on the territory of the Tankeevka burial ground, which has repeatedly become the object of research of various directions: archaeological, natural science, cultural, etc. The author describes the processes occurring with the information field of an archaeological object at the stages of its study and museum existence on the case the complex of grave 1101 of Tankeevka burial ground. An archaeological object goes through the stages of museification (from its detection and removal from an archaeological object to obtaining the status of a museum object), museum storage and use. A certain amount of information is accumulating while, which forms its information field in case of its fixation. It is a variable value that changes both in the direction of increase (in case of identification and preservation of information) and in the direction of decrease (in case of loss of information). Therefore, the most important task of researchers is the extraction, fixation and preservation of information about the subject in the fullest possible volume and qualitative content.


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How to Cite

Valeeva , V. A. . (2023). Some Issues of the Archaeological Object`s Information Support on the Case the Complex of Grave 1101 Tankeevka Burial Ground. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (1), 18–24.



Research and Publication