Animals in the Burial Rite of the Early Iron Age Nomads in the Orenburg Pre-Urals in the IV – II Centuries BC


  • Irina M. Grigoryeva Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education. Maxim Gorky St., 65/67, Samara, 443099, Russian Federation; Orenburg State Pedagogical University, Sovetskaya str., 19, Orenburg, 460014, Russian Federation;



archaeology, the Early Iron Age nomads, Orenburg pre-Urals, burial rite, archaeozoology, burial complexes with animal bones, remnants of funeral food, burial set, burial sacrificial complexes, individual bones or their sets, burial of animal.


The author presents the results of the study of bone remains from the Sarmatian burial sites. The aim of the work is to reconstruct the use of animals in the burial rite of the Early Iron Age nomads. A complex approach was applied to the study of osteological materials. Their biological and archaeological parameters are considered in detail. The research source base includes reports on archaeological excavations and published materials, as well as archeozoological materials from 11 burial grounds of the Sarmatian culture (Prokhorovka, Pokrovka 1, Pokrovka 2, Pokrovka 7, Pokrovka 8, Pokrovka 10, Shumayevo I, Shumayevo II, Donetsk I, Sorochinsko-Nikolsky, Pleshanovo II). As a result of the analysis, a few categories of burial complexes with animal bones were established, and their semantic meanings and peculiarities of their formation have been suggested.


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How to Cite

Grigoryeva , I. M. . (2023). Animals in the Burial Rite of the Early Iron Age Nomads in the Orenburg Pre-Urals in the IV – II Centuries BC. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (1), 39–44.



Research and Publication