
  • Daria S. Tolstykh State archaeological museum-reserve «Kostenki», Kirov Str., 6A, Voronezh Region, Kostenki village, 396355, Russian Federation



archaeology, The Upper Paleolithic, ivory bracelet, osseous inventories, use–wear analysis, replication study, mammoth tusk, paleotechnology


The article features the results of a replication study involving some of the most distinguished fi ndings of the Upper Paleolithic - ivory bracelets. The items made from bent mammoth tusk (bracelets and diadems) were spread in the territory of Eurasia 30 000 - 14 000 BP. Trace evidence analyses of these items have clarifi ed the ancient manufacturing technology. Based on these data, the author carried out an experiment to soften the raw material, and then change the natural shape of the ivory blade. The author provides a description of the entire production cycle, as well as some observations of the process of using the bracelet. The parameters of the modifi cation of the ornamental properties of the mammoth tusk as a result of changes in temperature and humidity conditions of the environment are specifi ed.


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How to Cite

Tolstykh, D. S. (2020). RESULTS OF THE EXPERIMENTAL MANUFACTURE OF AN IVORY BRACELET. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (5), 29–32.



Research and Publication