The Sukhona–Vychegda Way During the Middle Ages: on the question of economic and ethnic-cultural contacts of the Permian Urals with ancient Russia


  • Vadim E. Kuznetsoav Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University. Sibirskaia str., 15, Perm, 614990, Russian Federation



archaeology, Sukhona-Vychegda trade route, Permian Urals, Old Russia, economic ties, ethnic-cultural ties.


The article presents the results of an archaeological study of the Sukhona-Vychegda Rivers trade route connecting the North of Ancient Russia and the Permian Urals. The basis of the study consists of the finds of ancient Russian products found during the excavations of the Novgorod lands, Ladoga region, the territory of Perm Vychegodskaya, Udmurt Urals and the Kama region. The Sukhona-Vychegda way began from Novgorod along the Syas River, or from the Ladoga region along the Svir River or the Oyat, to the Beloe Lake. Further this route passed along the Sukhona and Vychegda Rivers to the basin of the Pechora River, with a branch to the Permian Urals. Among the forms of mutual relations of the tribes inhabiting the territories through which the Sukhona-Vychegda way passed, the author highlights trade, cultural influence, marital ties and the penetration of the population into neighboring territories. Along the trade route from the territory of Ancient Russia, the following items fell into the Kama region: twisted rings (XI–XIII centuries), ribbed rings (XI–XIV centuries), cross-cut pear-shaped bells (end of the X – beginning of the XII centuries.), Christian crosses (XI century.), oblique coin-shaped pendants (XII–XIV centuries), Western European denarii.


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How to Cite

Kuznetsoav , V. E. (2023). The Sukhona–Vychegda Way During the Middle Ages: on the question of economic and ethnic-cultural contacts of the Permian Urals with ancient Russia . Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (1), 100–106.



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