Metal Balance Weights of the Northern Black Sea Region Sites in the Unpublished Scientific Heritage of P.N. Shults


  • Lev L. Leonov Institute of Archaeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Dmitry Ul’yanov St., 19, Moscow, 117036, Russian Federation; V. Vernadskiy Crimea Federal University. V. Vernadskiy Prospect, 4, Simferopol, 295007, Republic of the Crimea, Russian Federation
  • Nikolai N. Chemodurov V. Vernadskiy Crimea Federal University. V. Vernadskiy Prospect, 4, Simferopol, 295007, Republic of the Crimea, Russian Federation; Institute of Archaeology of Crimea of Russian Academy of Sciences. Academician Vernadsky Ave., 2, Simferopol, 295007, Crimea, Russian Federation



Northern Black Sea region, Chersonesus, Bosporus, antiquity, weight systems, balance weights, weights, P.N. Shults, SAHMC.


The article analyzes previously unpublished data of documentary sources from the archives of St. Petersburg and Simferopol on the results of the early period of scientific activity of the domestic archaeologist P. N. Schulz. The reasons and results of the researcher's appeal to the archaeological study of the weight systems of the Northern Black Sea region ancient states are cleared up. The organizational atmosphere of scientific research in the State Academy of History of Material Culture (SAHMC) named after N. Ya. Marr is considered, aspects of the work of the razryad (sector) of ceramics and glass of the Institute of Archaeological Technology in the Academy system are elucidated for the first time. Based on the information received by P.N. Schultz, as well as the results of modern search in the collections of the State Museum-Preserve «Tauric Chersonese» and the Historical and Archaeological Museum of the Eastern-Crimean Historical and Cultural Museum-Preserve, an attempt to introduce a group of metal weights into scientific circulation is made.


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How to Cite

Leonov , L. L., & Chemodurov , N. N. . (2023). Metal Balance Weights of the Northern Black Sea Region Sites in the Unpublished Scientific Heritage of P.N. Shults. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (1), 111–126.



Research and Publication