Ironworking Production of the Medieval Archaeological Complex Anyushkar in the Upper Kama Region


  • Andrey R. Smertin Perm State National Research University. Bukirev str., 15 Perm, 614068, Russian Fedeartion



archaeology, ironworking, blacksmithing, metallurgy, metallographic analysis, technological schemes, Middle Ages, Kama region.


In the article, the results of the archaeometallographic analysis of iron objects from the settlement and the burial ground of Anyushkar (Kylasovo) (X–XV centuries) are introduced into scientific circulation. The settlement had all the objects of the full metallurgical and forging cycle: ore outlets, smelting and forging furnaces. The main technological schemes of local forging products (three-layer package in the Eastern European version) and imports (three-layer package in the Northern European version, oblique welding, welding), etc. are described. A series of forging flan was analyzed for the first time, thanks to which it was possible to identify the stadiality of the Kama iron processing. A series of forging flan was analyzed for the first time, thanks to which it was possible to identify the stadiality of the Kama iron processing. In general, there is a high level of craftsmen who owned an expressive set of forging operations, having, however, some gaps in the knowledge of the properties of metal.


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How to Cite

Smertin , A. R. . (2023). Ironworking Production of the Medieval Archaeological Complex Anyushkar in the Upper Kama Region. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (1), 127–141.



Research and Publication