Stone Inventory of the Lipchinsky Site in the Lower Tobol Region


  • Mikhail V. Khramtsov Institute of History and Archaeology, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Science. S. Kovalevskoy st., 16, Ekaterinburg, 620990, Russian Federation



archaeology, stone inventory, mountain-forest Trans-Urals, Lower Tobol region, Neolithic, Eneolithic, Lipchinskaya culture, typological analysis, technological analysis


Lipchinskaya culture has been studied for almost 100 years, but information about its stone industry is fragmentary. Lipchinsky site is eponymous site of Lipchinskaya culture located in the Slobodo-Turinsky district of the Sverdlovsk region. According to excavations in 1995-1996 the site contains layers of the Middle Ages, Early Iron Age, Eneolithic and Neolithic. In studying to the stone inventory of the Lipchinsky site was applied typological and technological analysis. 837 stone items have been processed. It was revealed that in the raw material aspect, the population used high-quality siliceous rocks, quartz, quartzite and various types of shale. The stone inventory of the Lipchinsky site has a blade–flake character. Despite the low percentage of the blades in the complex (14.7%), the weight of retouched blades is high (72.4%). The typological set of blade tools is also extensive: arrowheads, scrapers, piercers, drills, notched tools, edges. At the same time, part of the arrowheads, scrapers, as well as drills, piercers and points were made from flakes, but in smaller quantities. The complex of grinded tools made of slate is widely represented: knives, adzes, axes. Two technological chains are clearly distinguished in the site, connected with blade chipping and grinding of slate tiles. The stone inventory of the Lipchinsky site does not find significant similarities with the Neolithic and Eneolithic complexes of the Middle Trans-Urals and the Lower Tobol region. Some coincidences arise when compared with the complex of Poludenskaya culture in the Kedrovy Mys-1 site.


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How to Cite

Khramtsov , M. V. (2023). Stone Inventory of the Lipchinsky Site in the Lower Tobol Region. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (1), 170–181.



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