
  • Karina S. Lazareva Samara National Research University named after academician S.P. Korolev. Moskovskoye shosse Str., 34, Samara, 443086, Russian Federation



archaeology, Bosporus, Achaemenid Empire, Scythians, Scythian bow, Scythian arrowheads, Persia


The article addresses the issue of the correlation of destructions on the Bosporus in the late 6th – early 5th centuries BC with Persian military campaigns into North Black Sea. Traditionally, these destructions were connected with the Scythians raids, and one of the arguments of the supporters of this theory was the presence of Scythian type arrowheads in the destruction layers. Recently, a new version has appeared, according to which the cause of these destructions in the Bosporus cities was Persian military activity. However, not only the Scythians or Persians used Scythian arrowheads as well as the Scythian bow, as this weaponry also was utilized by the Greeks. Therefore, the argumentation of those scholars who support the idea that the Bosporus was under Achaemenids appears rather quite controversial. According to author's opinion, it is impossible to draw conclusions as to who was responsible for the damage based on the presence of Scythian type arrowheads in the archaeological strata, fi xing the series of destructions in the Bosporus city-states. It should be recognized that at the moment the presence of Scythian type arrowheads cannot be regarded as a substantial point in the discussion concerning the existence of the Persian rule over the Bosporus in the late 6th – early 5th centuries BC. Keywords: archaeology, Bosporus, Achaemenid Empire, Scythians, Scythian bow, Scythian arrowheads,


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How to Cite

Lazareva, K. S. . (2020). THE ISSUE OF DESTRUCTIONS ON BOSPORUS IN LATE 6TH – EARLY 5TH CENTURIES BC AND RELATIONS BETWEEN THE BOSPORUS AND THE ACHAEMENIDS. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (5), 143–150.



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