Stone Industry of the Caspian Culture


  • Natalia S. Doga Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education. Maxim Gorky St., 65/67, Samara, 443099, Russian Federation



archaeology, stepping Volga region, Neolithic, Eneolithic, the Caspian culture, stone industry, forced pressure


For a long time, the main sources for study of the Caspian culture were mixed sites of the Lower Volga region. In this regard, it was difficult to determine the characteristic features of the stone industry of this culture. The research of Caspian culture’s homogeneous layers on the Algay and Oroshaemoe sites in the stepping Volga region leads to form congenerous collection of stone products. The basic types of tools are scrapers on blades and longitudinal flakes of different forms, knife-shaped pieces and knifes. Blades and their sections with retouch on one or two facets and without it are considered the most common type of artefacts. The main type of raw material is quartzite. The Caspian people used a blade production technique by means of forced pressure technique. This technique of making tools and raw material is not found analogies in the local Neolithic cultures. On the author’s opinion, stone industry of the Caspian culture was formed to 5500 years ВC under the influence of tribes who came from the the Dnieper-Don interfluve.


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How to Cite

Doga , N. S. (2023). Stone Industry of the Caspian Culture. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (1), 271–279.



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