The Comparative Analisys of Stone Industries of the Orlovka and Dzhangar Cultures


  • Filat F. Gilyazov Samara State University of Social Sciences and Education. Maxim Gorky St., 65/67, Samara, 443099, Russian Federation



archaeology, the Lower Volga region, the north Caspain Sea region, Neolithic, Orlovka culrture, Dzhangar culture, flint industry, geometric microliths, typological analysis.


Results of comparative analysis of stone industries of the Orlovka and Dzhangar cultures are presented in the article. The main sites for comparation are the Varfolomeevka, Algay, Dzhangar, Tu-Buzgu-Huduk I, II, which are located in the north-west Caspain Sea region and the trans-Volga Syrt region. The nuclei have conical, flat and flattened shape in the Orlovka culture stone inventory, however in the Dzhangar culture nuclei are prismatic and cuboid. Some categories of stone tools are absent in the Orlovka culture – four types of arrowheads, blades with protruding part at the end, rectangles, and tools with double-sided trimming. In the design of stone tools of the Orlovka culture, counter and opposite retouching was not used. Trapezoids with planed back are rare in the Dzhangar culture inventory, whereas in the Orlovka culture they form a stable group. These cultures, when comparing their stone inventory, reveal both similarities and differences. According to the author, the analysis of stone industries makes it possible to identify the marking (culture-defining) features of the Neolithic cultures of the Lower Volga region and the Northern Caspian.


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How to Cite

Gilyazov , F. F. (2023). The Comparative Analisys of Stone Industries of the Orlovka and Dzhangar Cultures . Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (1), 280–287.



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