
  • Andrei Yu. Markelov Moscow City Pedagogical University (Samara brash), Stara Zagora Str., 76, Samara, 443081, Russian Federation; Samara State Medical University, Chapaevskaya Str., 89, Samara, 443099, Russian Federation



history of archaeological excavations, funerary architecture, burials, reconstruction, Augustus, Caesar, Mausoleum of Augustus, tumulus, tholos


The paper addresses the history of excavations of the largest Roman tomb, the Mausoleum of the Emperor Caesar Augustus. The author focuses on the results of recent archaeological activities and how they have transformed the perception of the monument. The tomb of the fi rst Roman Emperor in the post-classical era underwent various transformations and was repeatedly plundered. As a result, the tomb has preserved in a severely damaged condition. The monument had been used for utilitarian purposes until the 1930s. The mausoleum was used as a quarry, a fortress which has been repeatedly destroyed, a vineyard, a garden, an amphitheater for bullfi ghting, a theater, and a concert hall. The fi rst archaeological excavation in the territory of the monument was carried out in the 16th century. It is them which marked the beginning of the monument's study history. The material obtained during these fi eld works is still of great importance for scholars who engage in the study of the monument. For a long time after the Renaissance era the Mausoleum was studied only periodically due to construction works carried out in its territory. The archaeological study of the monument has intensifi ed since the beginning of the 20th century. Ambitious works were carried out in the 1920s and 1930s. Their implementation was not dictated by scholarly interest: Benito Mussolini sought to use the heritage of Ancient Rome for his propaganda. Nevertheless, as a result of the completed excavations, the mausoleum was not only freed from the post-antique layers, but the obtained results laid the foundation for the modern idea of the monument. New interest in the monument arose only after seventy years. The immediate reason to that was the government’s plan for the reconstruction of the mausoleum and the surrounding area. Excavations were carried out by the Department of Cultural Heritage of the Capital of Rome. The obtained archaeological data have greatly changed the modern perception of the monument and make it possible to put an end to the discussion of the issue.


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How to Cite

Markelov, A. Y. (2020). FROM THE HISTORY OF EXCAVATIONS OF AUGUSTAN MAUSOLEUM. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (5), 151–158.



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