To Characteristics of the Collections from the Excavation by A.S. Bashkirov at the Barbashinsky Burial Ground in 1921 in the Funds of the Samara Museum for History and Regional Studies named after P.V. Alabin


  • Natalia I. Glazistova Samara Region Alabin Museum of History and Local Lore. Leninskaya Str., 142, Samara, 443041, Russian Federation



archaeology, the Middle Ages, Golden Horde, the mordvins, Barbashinsky burial ground, A.S. Bashkirov.


The Barbashinsky burial ground is located on the territory of Samara City and is the largest necropolis of the Golden Horde period in the Samara trans-Volga region. The excavation by A.S. Bashkirov in 1921 was the first large-scale research of this archaeological site. However the field archaeological reports are missing in the archives. This article represents the results of a preliminary study of materials from the excavations
of A.S. Bashkirov at the Barbashinsky burial ground in 1921 reposited in the funds of the Samara Museum for History and Regional Studies named after P.V. Alabin. An attempt was made to systematize and consider them in the context of the Golden Horde antiquities of the Samara trans-Volga region. Information is also presented on individual categories of artifacts and the most expressive complexes, the gender and age of the buried persons were specified according to the analysis of the inventory. Items from the collection of A.S. Bashkirov are dated back to the second half of the XIII – the middle of the XIV century, and can be compared to the antiquities of the Mordovian burial grounds of the Golden Horde period of the Samara trans-Volga region and other regions.



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How to Cite

Glazistova , N. I. (2023). To Characteristics of the Collections from the Excavation by A.S. Bashkirov at the Barbashinsky Burial Ground in 1921 in the Funds of the Samara Museum for History and Regional Studies named after P.V. Alabin. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (1), 328–338.



Research and Publication