Archaeological Sites on the Territory of Samara: topography analysis and prospects for conservation


  • Dmitriy A. Stashenkov Samara Region Alabin Museum of History and Local Lore. Leninskaya Str., 142, Samara, 443041, Russian Federation
  • Anna F. Kochkina Samara Region Alabin Museum of History and Local Lore. Leninskaya Str., 142, Samara, 443041, Russian Federation



archaeology, Samara city, archaeological heritage sites, cartography, protection historical and cultural heritage. museumification.


On the territory of the modern city of Samara, there are about 50 archaeological sites of all eras – from the Paleolithic to Modern times. When mapping sites, it is clearly revealed that the sites of certain epochs are confined to various topographic zones. The sites of the Paleolithic and Mesolithic era in the city are concentrated mainly on the Volga River terrace, the Neolithic – in the floodplain and on the first floodplain terrace of the Samara River. Settlements of the Bronze Age are recorded both on the first Volga River terrace, and mainly on the right and left banks of Samara River, as well as in the area of karst lakes on watersheds. Most of the settlements of this era were left by the population of the Srubnaya culture. Archaeological sites of the Early Iron Age and the Early Middle Ages on the territory of the city are represented by settlements, scattered burials, as well as random finds. Settlements have been identified on the first Volga River terrace, the burials of the nomadic population are confined either to the Samara floodplain, to floodplain lakes, or to karst lakes on watersheds. Sites of the Golden Horde time were revealed on the first terrace of the Volga River. Taking into account the regularities of the location of archaeological sites will be useful when planning archaeological work in the zone of economic development. The current state of a number of sites allows, subject to the interest of the municipality, to use them to popularize the archaeological heritage, including through the creation of museum complexes. The first experience of such work in Samara is already available. It is important to assess how these attempts correspond to modern ideas about the museumification of archaeological sites in urban space.


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How to Cite

Stashenkov, . D. A., & Kochkina , A. F. (2023). Archaeological Sites on the Territory of Samara: topography analysis and prospects for conservation . Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (1), 343–357.



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