The Iron Age Pottery Assemblages of the Settlement "Panovo Hillfort"


  • Aleksander V. Novikov “Kostromskaia Arkheologicheskaia Ekspeditsia” Ltd. Marshal Novikov Str., 10, Kostroma, 156013, Russian Federation



Vetluga River region, Panovo settlement, Bronze Age, textile ceramics, Early Iron Age, textile and matting ceramics, Akozino and Vyatka-Vetluga cultures ACHA, forest Transvolga region, late stage of the Iron Age


The paper includes into the scientific circulation the materials received during the excavations of the Panovo station in 1925 by B.S. Zhukov. "Panovo hillfort" is a monument of multiple settling, at first this place was inhabited in Neolithic, then in the Bronze Age it was populated by the bearers of Chirki cultural traditions. In the final Bronze Age settlement appears here, associated with the bearers of textile ceramics traditions, at the initial stage of the Early Iron Age occupied by the representatives of the Akozino culture ACHA (Ananyino Cultural and Historical Area). In VII-V centuries BC the settlement was included into the circle of monuments of Vyatka-Vetluga culture ACHA. The materials obtained during the excavations of the settlement are a valuable source for understanding the processes of development of the Vetluga River basin by the Ananyino communities as well as the interaction between the bearers of different cultural traditions within the Ananyino world itself. In IV/III-III centuries BC in this site the bearers of Gorodetz culture appear. The final stage of developing of the site falls at the end of the I millennium BC - first half of the I millennium AD and at the middle - third quarter of the I millennium AD. Different ceramic traditions, following each other, are fixed at the settlement of this period. The finds clearly reflect the above-mentioned stages of developing of the site. It is important to note that the settlements of the first half of the I millennium AD in the forest territories of the Transvolga region are very little known today, not enough materials have been collected and they are still poorly studied, and therefore the use the excavation materials from the settlement "Panovo hillfort" is relevant.


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How to Cite

Novikov , A. V. (2023). The Iron Age Pottery Assemblages of the Settlement "Panovo Hillfort". Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (2), 214–242.



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