Author Guidelines

Relations between the Author and the Publisher

Volume of the full text of the manuscript: 1) the limit for an original paper is 40,000 characters including spaces; 2) for a scientific conference review - 15,000 characters including spaces; 3) for a monograph review - 15,000 characters including spaces. The specified volume includes tables and a list of literature (in Cyrillic and Latin). If the volume of the manuscript is larger than the specified value - a decision is made in agreement with the editors (when the volume of the article exceeding the standard limits, in the author's opinion, is justified and cannot be reduced, the decision on publication is made by the editors based on the reviewer’s recommendation).

Manuscript text format. The text should be Times New Roman, 14 pt, with 1.5  line spacing. Indentation on each side of the page should be 2 cm. The text can be highlighted in italics or bold; the text cannot be underlined. All duplicate spaces and extra line breaks should be removed from the text (Note: in automatic mode using “find and replace”).

Paper text file uploaded to the manuscript submission form should contain all information for publication (including figures and tables). The structure of the manuscript should comply with the template.

Requirements for manuscript sections:

  1. Last name and initials of the author(s) should by specified on the first page after the title of the paper.
  2. Then, a detailed Abstract should be given (at least 150 words or 800 characters including spaces) and Keywords compiled in accordance with the recommendations of GOST R 7.0.66 System of Standards on Information, Librarianship and Publishing. Indexing of Documents. General Requirements for Coordinate Indexing. The Abstract should include the following aspects of the paper contents: subject, topic, purpose of the work (specified if not fully disclosed in the title); methods of work (described if characterized by novelty or of interest from the viewpoint of the work); results of the work (major results, author's conclusions, original discoveries); conclusions can be accompanied by recommendations, assessments, suggestions, hypotheses described in the work. The following should be avoided in the Abstract: phrases duplicating the title of the work; descriptive generalizations, unnecessary introductory phrases (for instance, “the author of the paper is addressing...”), complex grammar structures; generally known provisions; information of a historiographic nature, if it does not constitute the main content of the work; the names of previously published works should not be given.
  3. Keywords Up to 10 keywords should be given, facilitating the indexing of the paper in search engines.  The keywords should reflect the main content of the paper and disclose the following aspects of the work: region, chronology, subject matter, special terminology. The keywords should be arranged not in alphabetical order, but according to the degree of importance, separated by the “semicolon” punctuation mark, with no “period” punctuation mark at the end.  
  4. If the paper contains illustrations, each of them should be provided both in the text and in a separate file in JPEG or TIFF format, 300 dpi. The maximum size of a figure is 11 x 16 cm (width x height), and the text inside the figure should have the type size of 8-9. The list of illustrations and captions should by provided in the agreement accompanying the material, Item I.5. If a figure contains numbers or text, they should be typed electronically, not handwritten. The exception is archival materials. Illustrations inserted in a MS Word or Excel file will not be accepted.
  5. Diagrams should be prepared in MS Excel. Also, along with the MS Excel diagrams, it is mandatory to provide tables on the basis of which they were prepared.
  6. List of references for the paper should be compiled in accordance with the Examples of bibliography and references. Bibliographic references to literature and sources in the text should be given in parentheses: author's last name without initials (except for works by authors with the same last name) or abbreviated title (if the publication does not have an author), year of publication separated by commas; link to a page, figure, etc. Please make sure that all in-text links are included in the bibliography.
  7. Every paper in the journal the Archeology of the The Eurasian Steppes (Arkheologiia Evraziiiskikh Stepei) is accompanied by a list of sources in English (and/or transliteration) (hereinafter - References) in order to ensure citation tracking in international databases.
    The editorial board recommends the authors to submit information on the verified translation of the cited sources into English (if any) in a separate list. The numbering of sources should correspond to the numbering in the author's original text in Russian.
  8. The paper should be accompanied by details of the author(s): last name, first name, patronymic; academic degree and title, full name of the place of work; address for sending the author's copy of the journal; phone number, e-mail address.

Examples and templates:

Authors’ Ethics

  • The editorial office accepts for consideration manuscripts which comply with the remit of the journal, have not been published before, and are structured in accordance with the journal requirements;
  • The authors shall guarantee authenticity of research. All borrowed fragments or statements shall have the required references to the author and the source. Too many borrowings and plagiarism of any form, including hidden quotes, paraphrases or appropriation of rights on others’ research shall be unethical and unacceptable;
  • The authors are responsible for obtaining all necessary permissions for publication of the materials they use in their papers. The rights to use materials in publication shall be confirmed in the agreement with author;
  • The authors shall inform the editors in case they have submitted their manuscripts for consideration in other periodicals, or a different version of the same article is in print elsewhere, as well as which periodicals earlier published the same materials. A confirmation of the fact that the materials have not been published elsewhere shall be set in the agreement with author;
  • The authors shall report sources of funding of their research(agreement with author), to prevent any possible conflicts;
  • The authors shall guarantee that the list of co-authors includes just the ones who made a substantial contribution to the research. The final version of the article and its submission for publication shall be approved by all co-authors;
  • Should the author identify substantial errors or uncertainties in the article at the time of its review or after its publication, he/she shall immediately inform the editors and take joint steps to either eliminate them or withdraw the article.
  • We call all the authors to proceed correctly while criticizing their colleagues. Otherwise, the editors shall reserve the right to reject the manuscript or improve its style.
Manuscripts shall be submitted by the following dates:
Vol.1 (February) – not later than December 1 of the current year
Vol.2 (April) – not later than February 1 of the current year
Vol.3 (June) – not later than April 1 of the current year
Vol.4 (August) – not later than June 1 of the current year
Vol.5 (October) – not later than August 1 of the current year
Vol.6 (December) – not later than October 1 of the current year