
  • Alexander P. Minaev Azov Historical, Archaeological and Paleontological Museum–Reserve, Moskovskaya St., 38/40, Azov, 346780, Russian Federation


Azaq, the Golden Horde, millstone, windmill, millstone supply


Millstones are often found during the excavations in Azov. Light hand mill are the specialized tools for grinding corn into fl our. Nowadays there are no unifi ed classifi cation of millstones, though some attempts haave been undertaken. For now, the most elaborated classifi cation of millstones belongs to R.S. Minasyan. He distinguished 3 groups of millstones: with holes in both stones, with hole in one stone and holes and notch in upper stone. Classifi cations of other researchers do not give a whole pattern of the development of millstones. In Azak were widespread 3rd group of millstones with holes and notch for handle. Among the materials the millstones in Azak are made of the sandstone prevails. Coquina and conglomerate are less spread. In the course of excavations were found remains of constructions and large millstonsand it is means that there were windmills in Azak. Thus, production of fl our became the separate branch of manufacture. And yet home fl our production were still prevalent.


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How to Cite

Minaev, A. P. (2018). GRAIN PROCESSING IN AZAQ IN XIV CENTURY. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (4), 127–140. Retrieved from



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