Dialogue of Cultures on the Example of the Ancient Turkic Runic of Kyrgyzstan


  • Taalaibek K. Abdiev Kyrgyz-Turkish University “Manas”. Chingiz Aitmatov Ave., 56, Bishkek, 720044, Kyrgyzstan
  • Kubatbek Sh. Tabaldyev Kyrgyz-Turkish University “Manas”. Chingiz Aitmatov Ave., 56, Bishkek, 720044, Kyrgyzstan




archaeology, ancient Turkic runic monuments of Kyrgyzstan, dialogue of cultures


The ancient Turkic runic writing was the result of cross-cultural influence and enrichment between the Turkic and Sogdian cultures. Evidence can be found in the locations, where ancient Turkic runic monuments in Kyrgyzstan have been discovered and preserved. These written monuments, found on various sites by both nomadic and sedentary peoples, testify to their diverse interrelationships. As an example, we have mentioned two recently discovered monuments. The first one is the Karakol inscription, which was found in 2012 near the city of Karakol. It stands out from other monuments in terms of its writing style and content, suggesting a religious nature and linking it to Nestorian missionaries. It also shares similarities with the rock inscription Ak-Yus (E-38) and fits well within the historical context. Another monument, discovered by the authors in 2018 in the village of Sargata of the Toktogul district, indicates that the runic inscription was also used by the settled population of this region. The inscription was made on the rim of a hum and signifies the method of producing hum. This is similar to the trademarks sometimes left by potters on their ceramic products. Thus, the ancient Turkic runic monuments in Kyrgyzstan provide evidence of interaction and influence between different cultures. Studying the places of discovery and preservation of these monuments helps to better understand the historical relations and regional development.


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How to Cite

Abdiev , T. K., & Tabaldyev , K. S. (2024). Dialogue of Cultures on the Example of the Ancient Turkic Runic of Kyrgyzstan. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (3), 429–435. https://doi.org/10.24852/2587-6112.2024.3.429.435



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