Similarities and Differences between Composite Belts of the IX–XI Centuries in the Vetluga–Vyatka Interfluve and the Perm Cis-Urals


  • Natalya B. Krylasova Institute of Humanities Research in the Perm Federal Research Center of the Ural Branch of the Academy of Sciences. Lenin str., 13a, Perm, 614990, Russian Federation



archaeology, the Middle Ages, the Vetluga–Vyatka interfluves, Perm Cis-Urals, composite belts, classification


The author evaluates a prominent Russian archaeologist T.B. Nikitina’s contribution to the study of the Middle Ages composite belts on the occasion of her jubilee. Belts, found at the burial sites of the Vetluga–Vyatka interfluve, are characterized by unique preservation of belts, which allowed not only studying separate elements of these composite belts, but also to see what they are made of, design and manners of use as articles of clothing. Based on materials from the Rozhdestvensk burial site in the Perm Krai the classification developed by T.B. Nikitina was tested. Research results revealed that the classification is quite universal and is applicable to analysis of belts, discovered in different areas. Belts of one and one and a half turns around the waist have been found at the Rozhdestvensk burial site. Some of them are completely identical to ones found in the Vetluga–Vyatka interfluve by their composition, and it may be assumed that they came from the same centre. There are also belts similar in general, but have, for example, not one but two main types of onlays, and there are local belts that include onlays characteristic mainly of the Perm Cis-Urals. Belts going twice around the waist are characteristic strictly for the culture of the people in the Vetluga–Vyatka interfluves. Such studies give broader opportunities to using discovered belt details as an archaeological source.


Belavin, A. M., Krylasova, N. B. 2008. Drevniaia Afkula: arkheologicheskii kompleks u s. Rozhdestvensk (Ancient Afkula: the Archaeological Complex near the Rozhdestvensk Village). Perm: Perm State Pedagogical University (in Russian).

Ivanov, V. A. 2006. In Khuzin, F. Sh. (ed.). Istoriya tatar s drevnejshih vremen (v semi tomah) (History of the Tatars since ancient times (in seven volumes). 2 Kazan: “RukhIL” Publ., 408–417 (in Russian).

Krylasova, N. B. 2001. Istoriia prikamskogo kostiuma. Kostium srednevekovogo naseleniia Permskogo Predural’ia (History of the Kama River Region Costume. Medieval Costume of the Perm’ Cis-Urals Population). Perm: Perm State Pedagogical University (in Russian).

Krylasova, N. B. 2019. In Arkheologiya evraziiskikh stepei (Archaeology of Eurasian Steppes) 6, 80–89 (in Russian).

Krylasova, N. B. 2020. In Trudy Kamskoi arkheologo-etnograficheskoi ekspeditsii Permskogo gosudarstvennogo gumanitarno-pedagogicheskogo universiteta (Proceedings of the Kama Archaeological and Ethnographical Expedition of the Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University) 17, 65–74 (in Russian).

Krylasova, N. B. 2021. In Zelentsova, O. V. (ed.). Finno-ugorskie drevnosti vtoroy poloviny I – nachala II tysyacheletiya n.e. Materialy nauchnogo seminara "Podbolot'evskiy mogil'nik: 100 let issledovaniy" (Finno-Ugric antiquities of the second half of the I – beginning of the II millennium AD. Materials of the scientific seminar “The Podbolotyevo burial ground: 100 years of research”). Moscow: Institute of Archaeology, Russian Academy of Sciences, 194–212 (in Russian).

Krylasova, N. B., Danich, A. V. 2021. In Arkheologiia, etnografiia i antropologiia Evrazii (Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia) 49 (1), 78–84 (in Russian).

Nikitina, T. B. 2014. In Oraldyң ғylym zharshysy. Seriya: Istoriya, filosofiya, politologiya (Ural Bulletin of science. Series: history, philosophy, politicology) 118 (39), 38–42 (in Russian).

Nikitina, T. B. 2014. In Trudy Karel'skogo nauchnogo tsentra RAN (Proceedings of the Karelian research centre RAS) 3, 21–32 (in Russian).

Nikitina, T. B. 2011. In Khuzin, F. Sh. (ed.). Uralo-Povolzh’e v drevnosti i srednevekov’e. V Khalikovskie chteniia (Ural and Volga Area in Antiquity and Middle Ages: 5th Khalikov Readings). Series: Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh stepei (Archaeology of Eurasian Steppes) 11. Kazan: Institute of History, Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, 142–149 (in Russian).

Nikitina, T. B. 2012. Pogrebal’nye pamiatniki IX–XI vv. Vetluzhsko-Viatskogo mezhdurech’ia (Burial Sites of the 9th – 11th Centuries in the Vetluga-Vyatka Interfluvial Area). Series: Arkheologiya evraziiskikh stepei (Archaeology of Eurasian Steppes) 14. Kazan: “Otechestvo” Publ. (in Russian).

Nikitina, T. B. 2021. In Arkheologiya evraziiskikh stepei (Archaeology of Eurasian Steppes) 3, 186–191 (in Russian).

Nikitina, T. B. 2016. In Chernykh, E. M. (ed.). Arkheologicheskoe nasledie Urala: ot pervykh otkrytii k fundamental'nomu nauchnomu znaniiu (XX Ural'skoe arkheologicheskoe soveshchanie) (Archaeological Heritage of the Urals: from Original Discoveries to Fundamental Scientific Knowledge (20th Urals Archaeological Congress)). Izhevsk: Institute of Computer Research, 326–329 (in Russian).

Nikitina, T. B. 2018. In Arkheologiya evraziiskikh stepei (Archaeology of Eurasian Steppes) 6, 157–164 (in Russian).

Nikitina, T. B., Akilbaev, A. V., Aristov, A. A. 2019. In Povolzhskaya arkheologiya (Volga River Region Archaeology) 30 (4), 82–98 (in Russian).

Nikitina, T. B., Vorobeva, E. E, Fedulov, M. I. 2016. In Povolzhskaya arkheologiya (Volga River Region Archaeology) 15 (1), 121–142 (in Russian).

Nikitina, T. B., Saprykina, I. A., Mitoyan, R. A. 2011. In Khuzin, F. Sh. (ed.). Forum «Idel’-Altai» (“Idel-Altai” Forum). Series: Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh stepei (Archaeology of Eurasian Steppes) 13. Kazan: Institute of History, Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, 115–126 (in Russian).

Sitdikov, A. G., Nikitina, T. B., Kazakov, E. P. 2015. In Vestnik Kazanskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta Kul’tury I Iskusstv (Bulletin of the Kazan State University of Culture and Arts) 3, 26–30 (in Russian).

Khalikova, E. A. 1971. In Khalikov, A. Kh. (ed.). Voprosy etnogeneza tiurkoiazychnykh narodov Srednego Povolzh’ia (The Issues on Ethniс genesis of the Turkic-speaking People of the Middle Volga Region). Kazan: Institute of Language, Literature, and History, Kazan Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 64–93 (in Russian).

Khalikova, E. A. 1976. In Sovetskaia Arkheologiia (Soviet Archaeology) (2), 158–178 (in Russian). Belavin, A. M., Krylasova, N. B. 2008. Drevniaia Afkula: arkheologicheskii kompleks u s. Rozhdestvensk (Ancient Afkula: the Archaeological Complex near the Rozhdestvensk Village). Perm: Perm State Pedagogical University (in Russian).

Ivanov, V. A. 2006. In Khuzin, F. Sh. (ed.). Istoriya tatar s drevnejshih vremen (v semi tomah) (History of the Tatars since ancient times (in seven volumes). 2 Kazan: “RukhIL” Publ., 408–417 (in Russian).

Krylasova, N. B. 2001. Istoriia prikamskogo kostiuma. Kostium srednevekovogo naseleniia Permskogo Predural’ia (History of the Kama River Region Costume. Medieval Costume of the Perm’ Cis-Urals Population). Perm: Perm State Pedagogical University (in Russian).

Krylasova, N. B. 2019. In Arkheologiya evraziiskikh stepei (Archaeology of Eurasian Steppes) 6, 80–89 (in Russian).

Krylasova, N. B. 2020. In Trudy Kamskoi arkheologo-etnograficheskoi ekspeditsii Permskogo gosudarstvennogo gumanitarno-pedagogicheskogo universiteta (Proceedings of the Kama Archaeological and Ethnographical Expedition of the Perm State Humanitarian Pedagogical University) 17, 65–74 (in Russian).

Krylasova, N. B. 2021. In Zelentsova, O. V. (ed.). Finno-ugorskie drevnosti vtoroy poloviny I – nachala II tysyacheletiya n.e. Materialy nauchnogo seminara "Podbolot'evskiy mogil'nik: 100 let issledovaniy" (Finno-Ugric antiquities of the second half of the I – beginning of the II millennium AD. Materials of the scientific seminar “The Podbolotyevo burial ground: 100 years of research”). Moscow: Institute of Archaeology, Russian Academy of Sciences, 194–212 (in Russian).

Krylasova, N. B., Danich, A. V. 2021. In Arkheologiia, etnografiia i antropologiia Evrazii (Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia) 49 (1), 78–84 (in Russian).

Nikitina, T. B. 2014. In Oraldyң ғylym zharshysy. Seriya: Istoriya, filosofiya, politologiya (Ural Bulletin of science. Series: history, philosophy, politicology) 118 (39), 38–42 (in Russian).

Nikitina, T. B. 2014. In Trudy Karel'skogo nauchnogo tsentra RAN (Proceedings of the Karelian research centre RAS) 3, 21–32 (in Russian).

Nikitina, T. B. 2011. In Khuzin, F. Sh. (ed.). Uralo-Povolzh’e v drevnosti i srednevekov’e. V Khalikovskie chteniia (Ural and Volga Area in Antiquity and Middle Ages: 5th Khalikov Readings). Series: Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh stepei (Archaeology of Eurasian Steppes) 11. Kazan: Institute of History, Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, 142–149 (in Russian).

Nikitina, T. B. 2012. Pogrebal’nye pamiatniki IX–XI vv. Vetluzhsko-Viatskogo mezhdurech’ia (Burial Sites of the 9th – 11th Centuries in the Vetluga-Vyatka Interfluvial Area). Series: Arkheologiya evraziiskikh stepei (Archaeology of Eurasian Steppes) 14. Kazan: “Otechestvo” Publ. (in Russian).

Nikitina, T. B. 2021. In Arkheologiya evraziiskikh stepei (Archaeology of Eurasian Steppes) 3, 186–191 (in Russian).

Nikitina, T. B. 2016. In Chernykh, E. M. (ed.). Arkheologicheskoe nasledie Urala: ot pervykh otkrytii k fundamental'nomu nauchnomu znaniiu (XX Ural'skoe arkheologicheskoe soveshchanie) (Archaeological Heritage of the Urals: from Original Discoveries to Fundamental Scientific Knowledge (20th Urals Archaeological Congress)). Izhevsk: Institute of Computer Research, 326–329 (in Russian).

Nikitina, T. B. 2018. In Arkheologiya evraziiskikh stepei (Archaeology of Eurasian Steppes) 6, 157–164 (in Russian).

Nikitina, T. B., Akilbaev, A. V., Aristov, A. A. 2019. In Povolzhskaya arkheologiya (Volga River Region Archaeology) 30 (4), 82–98 (in Russian).

Nikitina, T. B., Vorobeva, E. E, Fedulov, M. I. 2016. In Povolzhskaya arkheologiya (Volga River Region Archaeology) 15 (1), 121–142 (in Russian).

Nikitina, T. B., Saprykina, I. A., Mitoyan, R. A. 2011. In Khuzin, F. Sh. (ed.). Forum «Idel’-Altai» (“Idel-Altai” Forum). Series: Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh stepei (Archaeology of Eurasian Steppes) 13. Kazan: Institute of History, Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, 115–126 (in Russian).

Sitdikov, A. G., Nikitina, T. B., Kazakov, E. P. 2015. In Vestnik Kazanskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta Kul’tury I Iskusstv (Bulletin of the Kazan State University of Culture and Arts) 3, 26–30 (in Russian).

Khalikova, E. A. 1971. In Khalikov, A. Kh. (ed.). Voprosy etnogeneza tiurkoiazychnykh narodov Srednego Povolzh’ia (The Issues on Ethniс genesis of the Turkic-speaking People of the Middle Volga Region). Kazan: Institute of Language, Literature, and History, Kazan Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, 64–93 (in Russian).

Khalikova, E. A. 1976. In Sovetskaia Arkheologiia (Soviet Archaeology) (2), 158–178 (in Russian).



How to Cite

Krylasova , N. B. (2024). Similarities and Differences between Composite Belts of the IX–XI Centuries in the Vetluga–Vyatka Interfluve and the Perm Cis-Urals. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (4), 336–352.



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