Reconstruction of a Headdress and Dating of Artifacts from Barrow No. 4 of the Pazyryk Culture Khankharinskiy Dol Burial Ground (Altai)


  • Petr K. Dashkovsky Altai State University. Lenin Ave 61, Barnaul, 656049, Russian Federation



Pazyryk culture, Altai, Scythian era, burial set, headdress


The article presents the results of a study of a secondary burial at the barrow No. 4 of the Khankharinsky Dol burial ground, which is located in the Krasnoshchyokovo district of the Altai Krai (Northwestern Altai). At the barrow, inside a wooden structure in the form of a frame, covered with blocks, the bone remains of a woman aged 35-50 years with a partially disrupted anatomical order were discovered. The woman was oriented with her head to the east. A morphological and comparative-historical analysis of the accompaniments was made. Based on the analysis of burial goods and the results of radiocarbon dating, it was established that these barrows date back to the IV-III centuries BC. Special attention is paid to the reconstruction of the female headdress, which was decorated with gold foil applications. At the top of the headdress there is an applique in the shape of an eagle, which symbolized the upper world in the mythological picture of the world of the Indo-Iranian peoples, including and "Pazyryk people". Analogies of headdresses from other burials of the Pazyryk culture of Altai are given. An accompanying burial of a horse was recorded at the barrow, which additionally indicates the social status of the buried persons.


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How to Cite

Dashkovsky , P. K. (2024). Reconstruction of a Headdress and Dating of Artifacts from Barrow No. 4 of the Pazyryk Culture Khankharinskiy Dol Burial Ground (Altai). Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (5), 8–20.



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