
  • Eduard E. Kravchenko Donetsk Museum of Local History. Chelyuskintsev 189-a, Donetsk, 283048,Ukraine



archaeology, Seversky Donets, Khazar period, ancient fortified settlements, weapons, horse equipment, sabrеs, spears, arrows, bits, stirrups


The article is dedicated to weapons and horse equipment discovered at the monuments of the Saltovo-Mayaki culture located in the middle stream of the Seversky Donets river. In the upstream (within the forest-steppe zone) these items are generally found in the burials of catacomb and cremation necropolises. In the steppe, they are less frequently discovered, which accounts for the versions concerning the poor familiarization of the local population with military art. An analysis of the materials discovered in the middle stream of the Seversky Donets demonstrates the inconsistency of these viewpoints. Weapons and horse equipment items are rather often found at the monuments located in this area. Thus, in a large settlement near Mayaki village of Slavyansky District, the number of items from this category is about 20% of the total number of the discovered metal items. This conclusion is quite consistent with the concept of the presence of a group of fortifi ed settlements (Donetsk fortifi ed settlements) in the region, which could be defended without a signifi cant military contingent. It is rather logical that the majority of discovered weapon items are concentrated at these monuments.


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How to Cite

Kravchenko, E. E. (2020). ITEMS OF WEAPONS AND HORSE EQUIPMENT OF THE KHAZAR TIME (MIDDLE STREAM OF THE SEVERSKY DONETS). Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (6), 198–223.



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