
  • Vadim Yu. Maklasov  Kalmyk State University. Pushkin Str., 11, Elista, 358000, Republic of Kalmykia, Russian Federation
  • Petr M. Koltsov Kalmyk State University. Pushkin Str., 11, Elista, 358000, Republic of Kalmykia, Russian Federation



archaeology, birch bark, quiver, saadak, Golden Horde, burial, sources


The quiver, as part of the saadak set, was an essential companion of a nomad throughout his life. This article focuses on a particular type of birch bark quivers of the 13th-14th centuries from Klin and Adryk archaeological sites. In order to identify the external appearance, parallels are drawn with pictorial sources and quivers from other regions. In addition, modern publications on this topic are analyzed, which makes it possible to take a broader look at the use of various techniques for making birch bark quivers. The study included a graphic reconstruction.



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How to Cite

Maklasov , . V. Y. ., & Koltsov, P. M. . (2021). THE BIRCH BARK QUIVER AS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE ARMS OF A 13TH-14TH CENTURY NOMAD. Arkheologiia Evraziiskikh Stepei (Archaeology of the Eurasian Steppes), (4), 169–176.



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